MONTHLY Astrological perspective

for the spiritually inclined.

October 2023

Eclipse Solar Oct 14 

Lunar Eclipse Oct 28/29 

Relationships are highlighted this month.  How can you best communicate?  Be ready for trusting and nurturing connections, taking risks of showing your true self and not judging. 

What is well conceived can easily manifest as we honor our connections to transpersonal energies.  Maintain focus. 

Strive to be generous and optimistic, and support others in manifesting their next steps. 

Joyfully dance with the spiritual, scared and material manifestations.  Dance in all sacred levels of being. 

When we bring things into being we need to engage the realm of matte with joy and understanding, exposing ourselves to the evolutionary edge….

Swimming into the life choices the summer of change has brought us. 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

New Moon 🌑 October 15

 I/4  🌔 October 6

Full Moon🌕  October 29

3/4  🌖 October 22

september 2023

Welcome to another month of change.  Things begin to move as we clear the path, clarify what we want, pick up dropped bits, eliminate some ideas and refine others.  In September we are determining what is feasible and what is not.  In the midst of the news blast and chaos, remember to stay grounded and centered, and to choose love and acceptance.  This is harvest season in the Northern hemisphere; gather your harvest.  Evaluate what you can harvest, and what are you preparing for next year.  What are your short term and  long term goals? 

This is also a deeply creative time.  Ask for help from your healed ancestors, ask to clear any trauma patterns you can clear.  We are being guided to create a viable future. 

Start close in,
don’t take
the second step
or the third,
start with the first
close in,

—David Whyte 

With Love and Light,

Nika Annon


3/4  🌖  Sept 6

New Moon 🌑 Sept 14

I/4  🌔 Sept 22 

Full Moon🌕 Sept 29 

august 2023

Concurrent with our grief and stress we carry the seeds and actions of the future. Grieve to make the world more whole, and get to work!! 

Sing to our mother earth, dance on her.  Heal her.  Fight for her well being and the future of the whole.

I have included the daily thoughts of wisdom for you.

With love and light -

Nika Annon

Full Moon🌕 August 1 

3/4  🌖 August 8 

New Moon  🌑 August 16 

I/4  🌔 August 24 

Full Moon🌕  August 30

August   1   All that has gone before and has happened, integrate it, learn from it, be courageous. Take the gifts from the past with you into our future and let it go.

August   2    Enjoy being alive, gather together, indulge conscious participation in life, release responsibilities today.  Let yourself be playful.

August   3   Creating a co regulatory generous engagement in life through your deepest human instincts, everyday is an important day of your life.

August   4  Joining together in our journeys through life, mellow participation in life, intentionally engaging existence in the delights of daily living. 

August   5   Joyously meeting life challenges, allow yourself to adapt to reality, balancing self and community, protecting what is vulnerable, moving into the changing future with open heart and mind.

August   6    Harmonic understanding of life shapes our lives, heeding the songs of the multiverse, taking action to create this specific life. 

August   7   Own the authority you have developed through your life, utilizing emotions and senses to engage and be. 

August   8   Call upon basic life force to sustain being, moving with gratitude and acknowledgment, supporting the innocent and vulnerable within and without, proceeding with courage. 

August   9    As we envision our new world join together, using knowledge and experience, seek with purpose, heed the call to greatness and question appearances see truth. Wrestle with your draw to pain and drama.

August   10   Transforming power of joy in life, orchestrating a life of joy, expressing this joy in playful expression of daily life, spread affirmative realizations.

August   11   Grounded scared space, stepping back to essential values as a springboard of action, energy focused inward of great change. Hold the center.

August   12    Opening existing patterns and updating inner laws to refine joyous participation in ceremony, releasing our self-righteousness to be present. Hold the past lightly, focus drive into the future. 

August   13   Align desire and value with self, intellectual and spiritual expanse in response to sufficiency, know that we are special and deserving of well being.

August   14   Mystic expansion insights, lightness of being, breadth of being challenged by how to sustain this energy in our daily life.  Bring the cosmic into your body, the sacred and profane flow into one another.

August   15   Creating new life in the most difficult situations stimulates our reformulation of relationships. Dancing with change. Completing what must be done, while gathering yourself to begin the next steps in a radically different pattern. 

August   16   What traumas have you healed and transformed to knowledge shaping a new self with updated values and emotions. In supportive creative communities. Life pulse immortal fuels fertile variations. You in here in the the right place at the right time. 

August   17   Expanding our sense of the world, seeing the wholeness of Gaia, adjustment to the facts of existence. Life is hard and the spirits are here to help us with the challenge. Moving into the unknown with gusto and enthusiasm.

August   18   The Structures of our lives are vitalized by intensely engaging life, reaching deep within, faithful to self and the soul’s journey in this life. Expand the manifestation of the structures that support optimism. 

August   19   As dawn’s embrace absorbs the stars, step into the very present moment of this life, rejuvenated visions of endeavors, we are star seeds blown by cosmic winds to take our next metamorphosis.

August   20   Indulge in the constructive results of inconveniences, creating community and growing the next phase. Dive into constructing the new! Delight in the effort and work well done. Tune into self - whole and vibrant.

August   21   Adjust and transform our understanding of what is happening, seeing clearly using our curiosity to feed our knowledge becoming more truly ourselves. We are never alone never incomplete, never less than whole. 

August   22   Sing and celebrate work and play, using music to lift our hearts, using our bodies voices, hearts, actions to create connection. Demonstrate the way, fly prayer flags, look up and ahead.

August   23   Grieve your grief, heal your wounds, plunging through the sorrow back into life, healing the small wounded parts, reparenting them into joyful wholeness, make the future sacred by consecrating the healed past.  

August   24    Using our deep intuitive knowing, our connections and sense of justice and mercy to manifest the future, honor your core commitment to tackling the hard stuff, seeing troubles, what needs changing, what is missing.    

August   25   Power action and transform together, transformative action to create our soul intention, exercising our free will to do what must be done.  Admit you “are just that way” and move beyond self criticism to creating the future. You with your abilities. 

August   26   Understand the changes that are coming and be change, own it and articulate the strategy. Communication between many realms. Moving beyond and into dimensions. Intentionally acting.

August   27   Respond directly to life and feelings, inviting uplifting emotions and events. Follow your own path, be your essential self. Dig deep into your essence, shine brightly. Commiy to being and doing.  

August   28   Grief and nurturing are hard work and fertile and lead us to the paths of our lives. 

Incarnation consists of coming to be and passing away. This a natural cycle. Lack of change is stagnation and death.  

August   29   Bless our past, hold it in scared space, integrate it into the future of all. Live life as though it is the most perfect gift you will ever receive. 

August   30   Allow our well and healed ancestors to mentor us in ceremonies to flourish with  the challenges of the muddle of life. 

August   31   Our value and relationships are enhanced by seeing them in the perspective of the immenseness of being, honor being embodied, practice a practical, natural approach to life. 

july 2023


Sorry I missed a few months. Life is hectic. 

I have desired to wander and see the world and it is finally time. With starts and stutters I am getting ready to go.  

This is another month of intense change, both inner and outer, and opportunities to stretch ourselves into who we incarnated to be. This can be centering and grounding into our physical, psychic space or creating a completely different future.

I have been working with changing habits from the source - the energy space experiences that help shape habits - in order to allow myself to shape new habits with updated needs and incorporating wisdom, experiences and new decisions.  We all are supported in experimenting with what new options to resolve patterns that no longer serve.  Be kind to yourself this month, create healthy boundaries, figure out what your healthy boundaries area. Prioritize energy to manifest essential energies in your daily life.  Savor what matters to you and spend less time on what has you put off.  Focus more on seeing what brings you pleasure, joy and relaxation. 

We have all been through big changes in the last couple of years.  Be kind to yourselves and allow the fluidity of life to flow through you and heal and rest. Trust the multiverse to carry you into your next steps.  Keep your life up and running, safe enough to let go and let change flow. 

Maybe no plan right now is what works.  Maybe a new plan is in order.  Manage wisely all your reactions, actions and interactions!  Allow emotions to flow, and stay fluid and flexible as the changes continue to come. 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

Full Moon 🌕  July 3 

3/4  🌖  July 9 

New Moon  🌑  July 17 

I/4  🌔  July 25 

April 2023

Ceres retrograde 

Huamea retrograde 

Venus ingress Taurus April 6 

Sun ingress Aires 

Pallas ingress Cancer April 18 

Mercury Retrograde April 22 

Jupiter ingress Aries April 22

Juno ingress taurus April 26

I apologize for no March Star Energy.

I am preparing for stepping into my future, selling my house and heading out to see the world.  

I had a few health issues to address.  My brother is healing well and rapidly.  Thank you all for your positive energy and prayers for his well being. 

This month we move from resolving karma, healing old traumatic patterns and seeing the shadow fully.  We now have an opportunity to create what is deeply meaningful to us.  Envision big futures!  Allow old outdated structures to disintegrate.  Dream, envision, act and be more and more of yourself. 

Mercury turns retrograde in Aries this month.  Allowing us to take a deep breath and move forward playfully and creatively using the skills we have gathered throughout this life. 

WE are the future. 

Bring your best to the creation! 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon


Full Moon🌕   April 5

3/4  🌖 April 13 

New Moon 🌑 April 19

I/4  🌔 April 27

February 2023

What will the world be like when we emphasize co-regulation, ceremony, joy and compassion as our primary values?  Let’s step away from trauma patterns, from war mongering, from spoils and rape being the rewards for destruction.  Let’s value flourishing over bureaucracy and let’s outgrow our species’ addiction to violence and destruction.  How much of the suffering on the planet are we as a species responsible for?  Why have we chosen to amplify suffering and turn down our compassion?  Can we move from co-dependence to pro-dependence? 

We have three asteroid goddesses retrograde this month.  They are closer to earth and appear to move backwards as we lap them.  This gives a balance to the drive forward of manifestation. We are invited to include our strategic capacity.  Pallas Athena, retrograde in Gemini,  expresses herself in curiosity, gathering information, seeing patterns and alternatives.  Ceres,  retrograde in Virgo, brings critical awareness to what are we sowing, asking what do we plan to harvest, who and what are we nourishing, what do we grieve, how do we attune to the fertility of life?  And Huamea, retrograde in Libra, creates to restore balance, and her creative energies flow prolifically in challenging situations.  These asteroid goddesses express the relentless capacity to create life.  As aware as we are of the struggles and challenges in this life, of the extensive volume and chaos of current human creative destructiveness, let us also be aware of what could be.  Let’s invite it, feast on it, join it in a way that is larger than our species specific perspective.  How can we create balance?  Not by deprivation but by participating in natural, flowing, open-ended cycles.   

Pallas Athena stations direct Feb 17 moving our strategic capacity from a more contemplative energy into more directed action.  We have a predominance of Piscean energy this month. 

Juno, Chiron, Jupiter, Vesta, Venus and in the last week of the month, Neptune, also are dominant.  Dream big, deeply and compassionately. Hold weaknesses tenderly. 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

Full Moon🌕  Feb 5

3/4  🌖 Feb 13

New Moon  🌑 Feb 20 

I/4  🌔 Feb 27

january 2023

With this turning to the New Year and tracking the solstice I am changing my focus from Tropical to Sidereal Astrology.  Traditional Western Astrology does not use the current actual positions of the planets, rather it refers to older frozen patterns of interpretation superimposed on the cosmos.  In my life I am focusing on being in the present thus I have decided to jump to tools that are attuned to the present.  I am being fully transparent in this time of change, and welcome any response. I hope this mailing will continue to be useful to all of you in your journey through life.  I have reconnected to the tools of Tonglen and Lojong practices to keep my heart/head/soul clear and moving towards loving kindness and heathy boundaries. 

Plunging head first to figure out this transition. I will continue to shape this via the months although they don’t match the moon cycles either as in other cultures and as we watch the sky.  This new perspective is an invitation to a more galactic perspective.  Let us assume we are a part of the whole. Let us act like we are part of the whole. 

The primary difference between the two systems of astrology is where those signs are placed in the sky. The Sidereal system is based on the current position of the constellations while the Tropical system is based on where the stars were around 0 AD. The Sidereal zodiac correlates to the stars and the greater backdrop of the cosmos, making it more representative of our soul's journey and spiritual path.

Our perspective of the celestial bodies is different when we acknowledge our relationship to the galactic realms. And therefore the placements of the planets are not the ones I have been using.

We are a small planet cycling around our sun along with a number of other physical objects. As we lap them or they lap us, we experience their presence in our sky as direct or retrograde or stationary as our perspective of their path changes.  Our Sun cycles around the galactic center of the Milky Way. 

Chariklo in Capricorn

Haumea in Libra. 

Pluto in Capricorn 

Uranus in Aquarius 

Neptune in Aries 

Saturn in Capricorn 

Jupiter in Pisces 

Mars in Taurus 

Venus in Capricorn 

Mercury in Sagittarius

Sun in Sagittarius

Sun ingress Capricorn January 15

Saturn ingress Aquarius January 18

Venus ingress Aquarius January 23

Vesta ingress pisces January 26 

Pallas retrograde 

Mercury retrograde

Mars retrograde 

Uranus retrograde

Mars stations direct January 12 

Mercury stations direct January 18 

Uranus stations direct January 23 

Full Moon🌕  January 6 

3/4  🌖  January 14

New Moon 🌑 January 21

 I/4  🌔 January 28

Let’s see how stepping into the present works!

Mercury retrograde gives us a chance to double check details to move from impulse to flow. Mars retrograde has given us a chance to reconnoiter and prepare to engage with knowledge and communication in place.  Uranus stationing direct carries us back into the exciting understanding of newness of what is to come. 

Balance your spiritual life and your life mission, your practical obligations and your soaring hunger for transcendence. They work together.  Let this be a creative challenge.  Be present in the moment, engage the movement and enjoy what you encounter.

Here is the link to my illustrated personalized astrology books.  It includes the astronomy, the mythologies and personalization of each person’s story.  This book makes a wonderful gift for new borns, children or indeed anyone you love.  These can be either tropical or sidereal.

Or get a reading for yourself.

Align your life with your big vision for the year 2023. -Donna Woodwell 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

december 2022

Neptune stations direct Dec 3 

Chiron stations direct Dec 23

Mercury stations retrograde Dec 29 

Mercury ingress Capricorn Dec 7 

Venus ingress Capricorn Dec 10 

Ceres ingress Libra Dec 19 

Jupiter ingress Aries Dec 21

Sun ingress Capricorn Dec 22 

Pallas retrograde all month

Mars retrograde all month

Uranus retrograde all month

The energy is moving forward now. We survived the eclipses and the election and now after a summer of deep diving, and for the many whom Uranus in Taurus and the Nodes of the Moon have facilitated clearing old traumas, we have the opportunity to update our Karma and move with our’s souls intention. The energy enveloping the planet, the many changes in the climate, Schumann Resonance, the planetary alignments, all support us in moving into the future we are creating.  This month can be confusing with a strong drive forward but with details not working out, actions not finding an easy flow.  The month could necessitate slowing down and taking each step attentively, checking our balance, even though Mars is presenting us with a whole dance to be danced backwards in heels. 

Mercury finishes its enlightening, inspiring dash through Sagittarius into Capricorn’s efficiency and capability.  Venus also moves quickly through Sagittarius harboring optimistic, idealizing and philosophizing energies onto Capricorn’s steadfast manifestation with endurance and drive. Jupiter leaps from the waters where pieces feel the wholeness, the infinite and potential, into courageous, quick, expansive, enthusiastic action, not inclined to assess nor evaluate. Move forward wholeheartedly, slightly gullible and assuming the best.  Rest and resource yourself, make priorities, socialize, unwind, dream up the future and start preparing for more changes in the coming year.  December is a good month to leave behind all that no longer serves. To update your karma, to create your future, leave any cults or abusive relationships and choose to be happy, loving, kind and wise. 

My brother James continues his miraculous recovery from his injury.  He walks now and goes up and down steps. There is no more paralysis thank goodness and his mental acuity remains strong.  Thank you everyone who gave to him in so many ways, energy, money, prayers, love food, cleaning, repairs, cat rescue, and loving company.  

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

Full Moon🌕  Dec 7 Gemini 

3/4  🌖  Dec 16 Virgo 

New Moon 🌑  Dec 23 Sagittarius

I/4  🌔 Dec 29 Pisces

 november 2022  

Haumea ingress Scorpio Nov 14

Venus ingress Sagittarius Nov 16

Mercury ingress Sagittarius Nov 18

Vesta ingress Pisces Nov 21

Sun ingress Sagittarius Nov 23

Mars, Chiron, Pallas, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune all still retrograde until Nov 22 when Jupiter goes direct. 

I am rather overwhelmed with my brother’s recovery process and want to thank Stella Conklin for her wisdom, knowledge, courage, generosity and presence. 

This is copied in its entirety from Rob Brezney’s latest mailing: 

“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

—Nobel Prize Laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.

―Humans rights activist and Nobel Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu

Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.

—Educator and philosopher Paulo Freire

Intellectual neutrality is not possible in a historical world of exploitation and oppression.

—Feminist theologian Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

If we are brave, we will bestow tender, compassionate care on the shadowy aspects of our psyche. We will offer healing energy and intelligent love to the wounds and the suffering and the ignorance that undermine our lust for life.

I think the possibilities are quite dramatic. The chances of actually changing our inner lives for the better are much higher than usual right now. Let's be daring even as we are merciful and generous. Let’s treat ourselves as we would a beloved person or animal.

In my view, this eclipse is not about trying to fix other people or getting other people to alter their behavior. It's about working on ourselves with all the kind, vibrant creativity we can summon.

(PS: Changing our inner lives for the better in the coming days may not immediately change our outer lives for the better. But it will in the long run.)


Back to me. 

We are the change. Right now. 

Act from vision and love not fear.

My brother James, “the bionic man” as his PT calls him is healing rapidly and utilizing his fierce life force to recover.  My heart overflows with gratitude for everyone who has responded to his need. He is a deeply generous human being, and is now learning the skill of receiving.  Part of what encourages him to receive is knowing how good it feels to give.   He is a Phoenix rebirthing himself.  And is courageously healing on many levels. 

For all of the prayers, the energy, the healing work, the soul honoring, the cookies, the money,  the time and love everyone showered him with I am deeply grateful.  I am utterly awed by the complexity, the depth and the compassion of his community. 

On November 8 there is a total lunar ellipse 1:02:15 AM Santa Fe time. 

Now is the time of being grounded and acting to bring your dreams and vision of the past 6 months into being. The moon is in Taurus, the time of year where plants push trough all obstacles and flourish.  Be grateful for that which you have taken for granted.  There can be miraculous change triggered today.  Be grounded and brave to bring it into being.  And this month is a good time to reevaluate your connection to, use of, and inspiration by money

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon


I/4  🌔  Nov 1

Full Moon🌕  Nov 8

3/4  🌖  Nov 16

New Moon 🌑  Nov 23 

I/4  🌔  Nov 30

october 2022

Mercury stations direct Oct 2

Vesta stations direct Oct 6

Pluto stations direct Oct 9 

Mercury ingress Virgo Oct 11  

Chariklo stations direct Oct 14 

Saturn stations direct Oct 23 

Venus ingress Scorpio Oct 24 

Juno stations direct Oct 24 

Jupiter ingress pisces Oct 28 

I apologize this is late and a bit brief. 

One of my beloved brothers has been injured. Kicked in the head by horse.  He is fighting to recover his well being.

Here is the link to his go fund me if you care to do so.

This month has Mars in Gemini, signaling a time for figuring out actions and moving forward with them.  Mars will be in Gemini for awhile and is relating to Saturn, which gives structure and purpose to this placement.

The full Moon aligns with Chiron so this month may be quite emotional.
October is a month to be social and choose good cheer and optimism. It also invites us to move in daily ways to build our future. Utilizing our free will and focusing, we can create a viable reality for a healthy future for the whole of our lovely planet and her inhabitants - all of us, flora, fauna, microbial, minute and galaxial. 

A Solar Eclipse on October 25 is an invitation to revise your perspective, release old energy and patterns, and invite a new perspective and new options.

Sun and Venus are conjunct in Libra for the last two weeks in October. Be creative, compassionate  express affection, allow good things to come to you be receptive charming and charismatic. While in Libra, Sun and Venus give us rose-colored glasses, and can be very social. Take advice and listen to options from those around you.  

As this conjunction moves into Scorpio at the end of the month, the energy gets more intense, goals become more important than relationships, and the energy to do and achieve will flourish.

In love and light,  be kind to one another and yourselves.

Nika Annon


I/4  🌔  Oct 2

Full Moon🌕  Oct 9

3/4  🌖  Oct 17

New Moon 🌑  Oct 25

september 2022


1/4  🌔  Sept 3

Full Moon🌕 Sept 10 

3/4  🌖 Sept 17 

New Moon  🌑 Sept 25 

Juno, Vesta, Chiron, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all retrograde. 

Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo Sept 10

Venus  ingress Virgo Sept 5 

Palla Athena ingress Cancer Sept 7 

Sun ingress Libra Sept 23 

Mercury ingress Virgo Sept 24 

Saturn and Uranus continue in square stimulating the creative energy of manifesting a visionary future with the Uranus connection to the wisdom of all sentient beings - including plants, planets, rocks, mycelium, magnetic fields and galaxies - generating the disruptions necessary for the new to grow.  Neptune sextiles both Uranus and Pluto which are in a flowing aspect of a trine. These three outer planets are in harmony, supporting profound and creative change. Keep your intentions clear and strong.  Practice gratitude and rejoice in life. Create the world you want to live in. 

September is very different from the past few months.  With so many planets retrograde we have a great opportunity to evaluate what we have achieved, to determine how to proceed, or complete projects and plans.  Decide how to move forward. Verify details and review and revise intentions. We can also update our visions.  It is a great time to clear up, clean out, update, repair, rethink and reimagine our plans and trajectories.  Assess financial flows and commitments.

Where do you seek completion? Where are new venues that need opening? What do we need to do to resolve or further plans? What changes need grounding? What decisions from the past few years have been tweaked by the external world and events? What adjustments do you need to make?  How are you choosing to respond to changes within yourself and external? 

Venus is in Leo and then Virgo, so desire passionately and generously and then ground that in something harvestable. 

The Sun moves through Virgo training Uranus and the north node, creating flow between self and the flow of the future aligned with soul intentions. The Sun is also trining Pluto asking what are you composting of the past and what is regenerating into the well being of the future. And then the Sun moves into the sharing and beauty and relationship energy of Libra…how do we do this future together?

Mars begins a long journey through Gemini.  Ask how do you understand your plans and actions? Articulate your plans and processes. 

Real learning is a reorganization of the system: a revolution in our experience of the world and in the ways we perceive and interact.


Be grateful, see the positive and choose love and well being and happiness. 

Center and clear old patterns and traumas. 

There is much support for these updates of karma refreshing one’s sense of self, and casting off old personality forms. 

I hiked on the site of the Las Conchas-Cerro Grande fires yesterday. After the major burns the soil is rich from the ash and variety and profundity of the plant life is wondrous. The large trees are gone.  Extensive wild flowers, strawberries, raspberries, choke cherries, herbs, Aspen and Locust flourish. 

There were few birds and little traces of wildlife. Some elk tracks and a pile of bear scat. 

With love and light-

Nika Annon

august 2022

Welcome to Star Energy:

Nika’s monthly astrological suggestion of optimal energies for each day. 

Mercury ingress Virgo August 5

Venus ingress Leo August 12 

Mars ingress Gemini August 21 

Vesta ingress Aquarius August 22

Sun ingress Virgo August 22

Jupiter, Saturn, Juno, Vesta, Chiron, Neptune, Pluto and Chariklo All Retrograde 

Uranus stations retrograde August 24

Mars Conjunct Uranus in Taurus!

“We are put on this earth for a little space that we might learn to bear the beams of love”  William Blake

As climate change and the destruction of Earth’s lands, waters and wildlife accelerate, women around the world are the most impacted, but they are also very often the frontline warriors fighting to protect our future. Unfortunately, their work and leadership are often not seen, appreciated, or funded. In order to address that marginalization, female leaders in the women’s rights, environmental and philanthropic sectors came together to found Daughters for Earth (under the auspices of the visionary philanthropic organization, One Earth). 

A co-founder and leader of this new initiative is Zainab Salbi, a widely celebrated humanitarian, author, thought leader and journalist. When she was 23, she began her trajectory by founding Women for Women International, a groundbreaking organization that helped hundreds of thousands of women survivors of conflicts. Now she has gone on to an illustrious career in media and activism, including Daughters for Earth. Zainab explores the interconnection between our personal search for healing and how we face the challenges of climate change.

This talk was delivered at the 2022 Bioneers Conference. Learn more at and

A note of good news from Ocean Clean Up: 

Remember that young kid that created a machine to clean up the ocean?!  He is doing it!!  Research shows the majority of plastic in the gyres by mass is currently in the larger debris. By removing the plastic while most of it is still large, we prevent it from breaking down into dangerous microplastics. Our aim is to have removed 90% of floating ocean plastic by 2040.

We plan to do this by cleaning up the legacy plastic -the plastic already floating in the ocean- and by “closing the tap” through river plastic interception

To clean up the ocean we need to intercept plastic in rivers and clean up what is already out there. And they are doing it!

With Love and Light-

Nika Annon  


I/4  🌔 August 5

Full Moon🌕 August 11

3/4  🌖 August 18

New Moon  🌑 August 27

july 2022

Sow the seeds of the future with your actions, thoughts, breath, joy and sorrow. 

This is another intense month!  Mars Uranus and The North Node come together urging us to create the future.  Keep in mind we are creating it consciously or unconsciously.  Old emotions are available for clearing and updating.  Envisioning the future includes clearing, strategies and awareness of more productive uses of energies. Uranus continues its movement forward while the other large planets are retrograding. Reevaluate changes you have planned and assumptions both cultural and personal.  Engage dreams and question fears. Review procedures and what work needs doing.   Allow yourself to breakdown old self evaluations, see what else you be in the moment.  Update you values.  Act to create the future you want to live in. Be determined and diligent!


Who are you without the old story?  The old astrological chart, the old childhood roles? Breaking rigid patterns that supported us and got us through hardship is required at this time.  Rewrite your story, update your karma.  Who are we as a country?  This a time for balancing the ancestors, clearing old traumas and struggling with our future.  Walk your talk.  Toss old emotional baggage, experience the emotions if appropriate but don’t define yourself by them! Act from healed parts of your self. This time is a challenge, an invitation, to engage deeply and plant the seeds of our future.  Act on choices and decisions.  Practice personal, community, environmental and global sustainability.   Reach inside for the endurance of Elk energy. 

Venus in Gemini says understand and articulate your values, your desires, and as she moves into Cancer, feel them.  Sun in Cancer asks who is your tribe?  What is home to you? As Sun moves into Leo look at how do you shine and help others to shine?  Mercury in Cancer wants you to understand your feelings and as Mercury moves into Leo, be generous and communicative.  Mars in Taurus grounds action practically. nMake things aligned with your values for the future.  Jupiter in Aries gives us the energy to start new projects, plans and visions.  Saturn is abstract and idealistic in manifesting ideals, Uranus in Taurus changes our expressed values.  Adapt to express your deeper values now.  Pluto is in another iteration of its position when the US constitution was created.  What we are now creating?  Keep your eyes on the prize.

Mercury ingress Cancer July 6

Mars ingress Taurus July 6 

Pallas ingress Gemini July 6 

Venus ingress cancer July 18

Mercury ingress Leo July 20 

Sun ingress Leo July 23 

Ceres ingress Leo July 24 

Jupiter retrograde July 29

Vesta, Haumea, Chariklo, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto all retrograde all month


 I/4  🌔 July 6 

Full Moon🌕 July 13 

3/4  🌖 July 20 

New Moon  🌑  July 28

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon 


june 2022

Summer Solstice June 21 

Retrogrades: Mercury, Pluto, Chariklo and Haumea 

Mercury Stations Direct June 2 in Taurus

Saturn Stations Retrograde June 5 

Neptune Stations Retrograde June 28  

Mercury Ingress Gemini June 14

Venus Ingress Gemini June 23 

Sun Ingress Cancer June 21

This month invites us to participate in being multi-dimensional.  Move from rigid, linear concepts of self, culture, and relationships.  Be open to options, changes, other perspectives. 

Once the mind, heart and soul is open, we can change your life’s journey by releasing completed karmas, by allowing multiple levels of awareness to enhance the changes being made.  Move forward, relentlessly holding awareness of what has brought you here and how to pull from it into what you are now creating.

The climate is in transit.  Russia is waging war on the Ukraine.   Demented young men insist on killing children.  Fires rage.  Winds blow.  Temperatures are hot.  Drought and famine stalk humanity. 

Now is the time to call up your creative abilities, engage your grit and gumption, utilize your compassion and wisdom to their fullest extent.  Commit to action based in profound clarity, regarding the complexity of life and the incommensurate understanding we have of it.  Follow your intuitive flashes based in compassion and hard earned wisdom. 

This is the time when we need to intentionally create the future; thoughtfully, impulsively, from an inner sense of guidance, from a place of being lost.  How does this reshape our lives? 

Steven Porges says humanities evolutionary advantage is our generosity, our compassion and our capacity to co-regulate. Let’s get on it!

This is a month for action and for recalibrating our knowledge of justice and mercy. 

It is up to us to BE the change.  Do your bit of making the world a better place.

With love and light -

Nika Annon


I/4  🌔  June 7 

Full Moon🌕 June 14

3/4  🌖  June 20 

New Moon  🌑 June 28

may 2022

I/4  🌔  May 8 

Full Moon🌕 May 15  Lunar eclipse

3/4  🌖 May 22

New Moon  🌑 May 30

May is another full speed ahead, manifestation and discarding that which no longer serves month!  Venus zips through Aries spontaneously intuitively acting on insights and desires and then entering Taurus at the end of the month ready to ground and root all that desiring into flourishing.  Jupiter moves from deep imagining and expansive boundless imaginative flowing potential into swift innocent rambunctious immediacy. Nurturing Ceres moves into Virgo where she mothers and protects.  The Sun’s transition into Gemini moves from intuitive being into communicative reasoning flowing between conceptual realms, as Mercury retrogrades back into Taurus supporting the intuitive foundation of understanding.  Vesta enters Pisces to deepen our mystical awareness, offering a sense of galactic wholeness.  Mars shifts into action when it enters Aries.  Be ready for action and release into the zone of doing what you have determined needs to be done.  Pluto is retrograde all month grinding yet again through what needs to be transformed, released, transubstantiated, refined and reintegrated.  Mercury retrogrades in it’s own domain of Gemini, flying between realms, visible or unseen deepening our coherence, back into Taurus to include our somatic knowing as well as mental. And Chariklo retrogrades slowing Aquarius rushed in idealization and tempering it with being present. 

There is a Total Lunar Eclipse May 15.  The Moon in Scorpio brings up the depths of our emotional engagement and conjunct to the South Node, granting access to history and library of being in the emotional realm, granting access to understanding ancestral trauma to be transformed. The Sun in Taurus conjunct the North Node is the way forward. What in all potential and creation do you DESIRE, releasing old patterns of a world economy based on warfare and exploitation into new patterns of generosity, compassion and co-regulation, humanity’s evolutionary edge:  start living in that world now and thus create our relativity. 

What are you bringing forth from the pandemic?  Who are you now?  What is your heart’s desire? Dare to feel that deepest desire.  What if what each of us does each day is: greet awakeness, step into our world to meet that day’s gifts and challenges, weaving them intentionally in the creation of our life? 


With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

Pallas Egress Taurus May 1

Venus ingress Aries May 2  

Jupiter ingress Aires May 11

Ceres ingress Cancer May 15

Sun ingress Gemini May 20 

Mercury ingress Taurus May 22

Vesta ingress Pisces May 24 

Mars ingress Aries 25

Venus ingress Taurus May 29 

Pluto regrade all Month 

Mercury Retrograde May 10 

Chariklo Retrograde May 13 

april 2022

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April 7 Venus ingress pisces 

April 11 Mercury ingress Taurus 

April 16 Mars ingress Pisces

April 19 Sun ingress Taurus

April 21 Juno ingress Pisces

April 29 Pluto stations retrograde

April 30 Solar Eclipse  !!  (Partial, visible in Southern South America) 

This month all planets, dwarf planets and the asteroids I reference are moving direct until April 29, when Pluto stations retrograde giving us another deep drive in Capricorn.  What more do you want to transform, compost, destroy?  The direct motion in Aries moves projects, ideas and plans all forward.  The Sun continues in Aires, joined by Mercury.  Mars and Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces.  And Saturn squares the nodes of the Moon. So how does that shape the month?  I write Star Energy as a tool for action and contemplation, for planning and manifesting, for integration, gestation and rest. While the planets have their gifts and complex energies, we can choose the level at which we engage and shape those energies.  For each day I look at the energies there and suggest a perspective and a response. 

During April, much of what you have planned and researched and explored moves forward clearly and swiftly, in alignment with the goals and values you have, willingly or not, explored in the last months and years.  What is the future you have dreamed of?  What benefits for the whole have you held in your heart and mind?  Where do you struggle with disengaging from the dominant paradigms to see a more conscious, compassionate engagement with the other sentient beings cohabiting this precious planet?  This month pulls your soul’s path into a deeper focus, engaging your visions.  What are you here to do with this precious life?  Think about action in alignment with your soul’s intention in this life.  Update old karmic patterns. Burst though paradigm inertia to the future!  The eclipse is an invitation ask for what you desire. Or better yet, ask for a future more profoundly in alignment with your essence and see what the multiverse opens to you! 

What are you choosing with your thoughts, your actions, your resources, your money?  How do these choices reflect your values? 

What if time is spiraling cycles like the trajectory of our galaxy and our genetic patterning? 

Thank you for receiving this offering.

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon 

New Moon 🌑  April 1st 

I/4  🌔 April 9

Full Moon🌕 April 16

3/4  🌖 April 23 

march 2022

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Venus ingress Aquarius on March 6 

Mars ingress Aquarius on March 6 

Mercury ingress Pisces on March 10 

Vesta ingress Aquarius on March 11

Sun ingress Aries on March 21 

This month there is another swiftly moving Moon.   If you have been working for the last few years to surf these intense transformational waves you may begin to have sight of what comes next.  Unfortunately at this time on the world stage, we have the continuing strife of war and invasion, engendered by humanity’s fear and greed.  

We can bend the arc of the moral universe toward justice, both within our selves and without in our communities and the worlds.  Bend it towards accepting the consciousness of the multiverses and all her beings.

We have Venus and Mars together supported by the Nodes of the Moon, inviting us to update our desires and actions related to our desires.  What matters enough to do everyday. How do you participate in your life?  

Vesta Conjunct Pluto as we seed our soul’s desire, do we desire a hearth-based, ceremonial life?  The hearth is the container for transformation, center of community, nourishment, light and warmth, joy in life, determining and shaping the future.  We can seed the future now?  Choose courage, choose life, choose generosity, compassion and wisdom.


Empire has had its day and brought humanity to our knees.   

Religions of the Hearth desire mercy. 

Religions of empire desire sacrifice. 

New Moon 🌑  March 2 

I/4  🌔 March 10 

Full Moon🌕 March 18 

3/4  🌖 March 24  

Vernal equinox in New Mexico March 20 9.33 AM, when day and night are of equal length.  The days begin to lengthen and the nights shorten here in the northern Hemisphere.

With Love and Light-

Nika Annon

February 2022

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Ceres ingress Gemini Feb 10 

Pallas Athena ingress Aries Feb 15 

Juno ingress Aquarius Feb 2 

Mercury ingress Aquarius Feb 15 

Mercury goes direct Feb 4

Haumea is retrograde 

February is a deep transformative month.  Mars and Venus are in close conjunction in Capricorn.  Capricorn, being the sea goat, has depth and capacity to support transformation of our beliefs, structures and culturally imposed restrictions.  Imagine your life beyond duality, in full knowledge of the consciousness of the multiverse.  How much more of yourself do you access?  This conjunction gives us great access to our capacity to courageously create harmonious relations with all beings.  

As the last year brought forth so much we could transform, this month is the gestation before the push to manifestation.  See the world for what truly matters. 

To paraphrase e bumper sticker:

“He who has the most toys has the biggest hole in his heart.  

He who is the greatest bully is the most scared.” 

Several amazing leaders left this mortal coil recently. Such as Desmond Tutu and Thich Nhat Hanh. 

My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. ..

We are needed, that is all we can know. And though we meet resistance, we more so will meet great souls who will hail us, love us and guide us, and we will know them when they appear.

One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these – to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

New Moon 🌑 Jan 31 

1/4  🌔   Feb 8 

Full Moon🌕 Feb 16

3/4  🌖 Feb 23 

Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us, only sky

Imagine all the people

Livin' for today


Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion, too

Imagine all the people

Livin' life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man  

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one

-John Lennon 

 With love and light-

Nika Annon

january 2022

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Happy New Year.

January promises to be another intense month!  

Capricorn in the northern hemisphere is the time of deep quiet and readying for the fertility of another turning of the Earth through its pattern with the Cosmos.  

Here you lay the seeds on all levels, spiritual, psychological, physical… sowing what you will manifest.  Mars engages Eris, the paradigm changer, empowering transformative action. 

Ceres on the North node of the moon seeds this cycle with fertility and determination to thrive. As the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Juno all pass Pluto in Capricorn, we have the opportunity to update our karmic paths to make amends, to release fear and anger, and to ask and give forgiveness. To be reborn in this life time, to continue the urgent work here for humanity and our faltering relationship with the world that creates and nurtures us.  It is a ripe, good time to  lay down any burdens no longer serving you as the way ahead is fully engaging.  What world do you want to live in and how do you create it in your thoughts beliefs and actions?  The deep question to ask: What of my behaviors contribute to the death of others, humans, animals insects, planets, sea creatures, microbes everything?  We are all a part of the whole.  What do we each offer toward the wellbeing of this shared existence on earth?   These offerings are the future we are creating, each one of us.  Be brave, reach deep, reach high, choose love.  Chose wisdom.  

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

Mercury retrograde Jan 14

Ceres stations direct Jan 15

Uranus stations direct Jan 19 

Haumea retrograde Jan 28 

Venus stations direct Jan 29 

Mercury ingress Aquarius Jan 3 

Vesta ingress Capricorn Jan 12

Sun ingress Aquarius Jan 21 

Mars ingress Capricorn Jan 25

Mercury ingress Capricorn Jan 272

Mercury goes retrograde while squaring Uranus Jan 14 


Mercury and Chiron 

Pluto touched by Sun, Mercury and Venus  

Saturn touched by Sun, Mercury Venus 

Uranus touched by Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Vesta

Mars trine Eris 

Venus, Mercury, Juno square Eris 

Ceres conjunct the north node 


New Moon 🌑 Jan 2 

I/4 Moon  🌔 Jan 9 

Full Moon 🌕 Jan 17 

3/4 Moon 🌖 Jan 25 

december 2021 

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There is an eclipse on Dec 4.  This eclipse is a total solar eclipse visible in Antartica and as a partial eclipse in southern parts of the African continent.  This is a partner eclipse to the partial lunar eclipse last month.  Eclipses mark a time of change and new visions.  Set an intention for the next six months.  This solar eclipse happens conjunct with the Great Attractor, a swiftly moving super black hole that is pulling galaxies towards it.  Weight your dreams and visions  with the force of a light-bending black hole!  Time for clearing out old energies and seeding the new.  Enjoy!

We have done deep visioning for several years, cleared our decks, purified our vision, clarified our values. Now we start actually creating it.  This next year will be a time of working on the seeds of our futures, collective and singular.

Neptune stations direct then moves forward again Dec 1-2.  The dreams, spiritual visions, nebulous inklings that we have been holding, dreaming, intuiting, begin to move out into our worlds.  To reduce confusion, track which reality your dreams, thoughts and plans are centered in. 

Uranus, and Ceres still retrograde 

Venus retrograde Dec 19

Chiron Direct Dec 20 


Mercury into Capricorn Dec 14 

Mars into Sag Dec 14 

Ceres into Taurus Dec 22 

Jupiter into Pisces Dec 30 

Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, meaning a time for a big push into what you want to manifest.  What are you creating?  Venus here asks you to look at your values.  What changed in the past 18 months with so many planets in Capricorn.  What have you wrought in this period that will support your move in Aquarius and building your future?  This aspect is exact on Christmas Day.

Saturn and Uranus continue their dance.  What matters enough to make it happen and how do you do that?  What are the costs and rewards and what unconsidered elements do you adapt to as best you can?  What life are you making?  Saturn also represents the golden age - what new golden age are you committed to manifesting and sustaining? 

You may be irritable and touchy.  Be patient with yourself, redirect the energy into creative output!  Calm yourself and choose to be kind and courteous, it matters!

One of  of my basic concepts as expressed by the Poet Simon Ortiz: I am paraphrasing is Life is hard and the ones we pray to are here to help us.  

I have been working with Internal Family Systems in which all have many parts and a Self. 

The Self in this work was determined empirically. According to Dick Schwartz, Self contains the following energies 








and connectedness.

We can move ourselves to move though old emotion habits, discharge old triggers, free parts of ourselves we have hidden away. Some are hidden to protect the pain and grief and some are hidden to protect love, light, sensitivity and creativity. 

These daily suggestions express how we can choose to engage the astrological energies of each day from Self.  These are not an invitation to spiritual bypass, they are an invitation to get to work and create something you value.  Hold space for all your parts, understanding each has a positive intention however out of date or misaligned.   Update these patterns lovingly. 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon


November 2021 

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Apologies -

Last month I did not include how many planets went direct.   The Energies shifted towards more forward movement.  You may have felt the slowing and turning from reconsidering and reweaving what we have been doing into the next steps forward. 

Saturn, Pluto, Mercury and Chariklo are all now direct.

Currently Uranus and Neptune, Chiron, Ceres and Pallas are all retrograde. 

Pallas goes direct November 8th. 

Mercury ingress Scorpio Nov 6 

Venus ingress Capricorn Nov 6 

Chariklo ingress Aquarius Nov 10

Juno ingress Capricorn November 15

Vesta ingress Sagittarius November 17

Sun ingress Sagittarius Nov 23

There are ongoing squares at this time asking for change and revisioning. The Saturn - Uranus square challenges us to revise what structures we build in our lives.  We are claiming personal authority and reimagining the structure of our nervous systems.  And the Pluto - Eris square asks us to look at how we transform as we breakdown and create anew.  Chariklo continues to hold sacred space for these changes.  Haumea is in a square to Pluto and opposing Eris, reminding us of the creative cosmo-generative forces that support us .  In this time of deep transformation consider what you are letting go, and what you care enough about to support and sustain. 

A Mercury Sun Vesta Conjunction in Sagittarius during the last week of November stimulates our joy and freedom and delight in life. Take a deep breath, and enjoy.

Eris, the paradigm changer, is touched by the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in her space of joyously celebrating existence intensely with power and passion and freedom opening the context to make it more universal and resonant. 

Where are you directing your vitality?   

Collectively we are still in deep transformation, demolition and revisioning.  

You can choose to act from fear, love, creativity, curiosity, delight in life, endurance or some combination of all or any of these.   Bring your awareness back to conscious choosing.  Incremental changes can refocus your life. 

With love and light-

Nika Annon

New Moon 🌑  November 4

I/4  🌔  November 11 

Full Moon🌕  November 19

3/4  🌖 November 27 

october 2021

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Mercury  goes direct Oct 19











Venus into Sag Oct 7

Sun Scorpio Oct 23

Mars Scorpio Oct 31 

October has lots of time and energy to reconsider, dig deep, plan, evaluate and resolve creative conflict. 

The divine feminine supports us through the deep, regenerative transformation we can make this fall.  What do you want to create?  What small action in your community will shift the energy of the whole area? 

Pluto, Eris, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune move so slowly through the sky. This is a time to dig deep into your soul’s work and find transformative energy. When you feel fear, ask for information.  Then just try surrounding the issue and area in love and light, asking that there be an option.  Strive to be in love and contentment, connected and at peace with self.  Follow the flow of energy through life.  Ask that divine compassion to take care of others pain. 

Much playfulness is available now so why not play with making miracles of joy and ease and choosing wellness and joy over fear.  Share the well being and joy instead of spreading fear and suspicion. 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

New Moon 🌑  October 6  

I/4  🌔 October 12

Full Moon🌕  October 20 

3/4  🌖 October 28

september 2021

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Fall Equinox Sept 23 

Pallas Athena retrograde in Pisces all month 

Chiron retrograde in Aires all month 

Jupiter retrograde all month 

Saturn retrograde all month 

Uranus retrograde all month 

Neptune retrograde all month 

Pluto retrograde all month 

Mercury retrograde Sept 27 

Chariklo ingress Capricorn Sept 7 

Venus ingress Scorpio Sept 11 

Mars ingress Libra Sept 15 

Vesta ingress Scorpio Sept 21

Sun ingress Libra Sept 23  

Venus and Vesta conjunct for the first two weeks revisiting their alignment of last summer.  They are aligning values and spiritual practice in Libra’s gentle balancing energy. Time to revisit desire and values in spiritual community.  

Mars opposes the Neptune-Pallas conjunction. 

On September 5 there is a grand trine in Aires, stimulating your expression of what you will create for visionary plans. 

On September 7 there is a yod where Eris and Saturn join together to stimulate Mars.  Use this energy to create productively. 

The theme of this month can be John Lennon’s “Imagine”.

Imagine a new you in a new world. Imagine life in a post-patriarchal paradigm. 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon 

New Moon 🌑 September 6  

1/4  🌔 September 13

Full Moon🌕 September 20 

3/4   🌖  September 28

august 2021

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Ceres ingress* Gemini August 1 

Mercury ingress Gemini August 12

Venus ingress Libra August 17

Sun ingress Virgo August 23 

Mercury ingress Libra August 31 

*Ingress : when a celestial body changes signs

August is a time of powerful envisioning and dreaming, of standing heroically and opening up to creative forces that can help manifest your vision.  Focus on balancing dreams and practicality.  Update your definitions of success.  What do you love enough to do?  How can you use the abundant transformative energies available now to create wealth and well being?  What is a sustainable vision of the new integration with the humanity of soul and the spirit?  Look beyond duality into the greater flow of the multiverse.  Bring love and delight, joy and playfulness into what ever you are creating. 

We have a magical triangle in air: Venus, Ceres, Chariklo, and Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius.  The goddesses together engage in a new dimension of reality, expressing the sacredness of the mundane.  The magic is seeing that all is sacred, and so creating a practical, utopian vision of earth.  It requires a bit of maturation on humanities part.  Look again with new eyes.

There are several configurations of yods, also know as the Finger of the Divine, pointing the way. The configurations are all based on the stimulating connection between Pluto and Neptune, and Pallas Athena.  Our capacity to create a sustainable dream augments as we pass through the transformation.  Neptune is in a degree of bringing the spiritual into manifestation, Pluto is in a degree of committing to the transcendent.  All are touched by the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, in a degree of spiritual attainment, supported by Eris in a degree of openness to spiritual influx from source.    

Uranus is in a degree of recognition of and delight in the simple joys of life, supporting revitalization.  Chiron is in a degree of cosmic order.  Haumea, the goddess of creating fecundity, is in a degree of fluid interaction between Spiritual will and love that connects all.

And for most of the month the nodes of the moon ( where it crosses the path of the earth-sun dance ) are in degrees of cooperations of sky and earth ( sun, rain and dirt ) to sustain life and personal rebirth through desire.

“Eris is the activated spiritual warrior: the fight for the right to self-expression and self-definition. In Eris, the divine feminine is expressed through action and courage. This is the anti-thesis of the Eve stereotype of femininity: this is femininity as courageous, self-defining, and authentic” from astrosagas:

Now is the time.  Feel supported by what you have created thus far and by the cosmos as your path ahead becomes bright with possibility.  

Enjoy, create and flourish! 

Nika Annon

New Moon 🌑  August 8 Leo 

I/4🌔 August 15 scorpio  

Full Moon🌕 August 22  Aquarius 

3/4🌖 August 30  Gemini

july 2021

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3/4  🌖  July 2

New Moon 🌑 July 9

I/4  🌔 July 17

Full Moon🌕 July 23

3/4  🌖  July 31

Pallas stations retrograde July 14 

Chiron stations retrograde July 16 

Vesta ingress Libra July 19 

Sun ingress Leo July 20

Venus ingress Virgo July 21 

Mercury ingress Leo  July 26

Mars ingress Virgo July 30

Retrograde* planets this month:

Jupiter in Pisces 

Saturn in Aquarius 

Neptune in Pisces 

Pluto in Capricorn 

Juno in Sagittarius

Haumea in Libra

*Retrograde is when our perception of the relationship between the earth, the sun and the planet changes because objects in our solar system orbit the Sun at different distances and speeds.

July is a month of evaluating your journey through this life, to breathe and continue projects.  Meet the Uranus-Saturn square by rising to the challenge of the new alignment between the structures that are changing, and your need for grounded freedom and innovation. This square can help you restructure your heart.  Where do you restrict your heart and where is your heart overwhelmed and undernourished?  What feeds you now?  What makes your heart soar today? 

Ask yourself not to choose from fear but from love and wisdom. Accept the fear.  What lack of information is it pointing out?  Does the fear live in present time or it a remnant of the unresolved past?  Does it know where and when you currently are?  How old is it?  How old does it think you are?  Where does the sun rise and which way does the planet rotate? 

Pluto, Ceres and Pallas continue to bring capacity to nurture what is coming to be.  How do you envision shaping your interaction with the deep transformations you sense.  The Sun and Mars both oppose Pluto this month, presenting radical opportunities for growth and change and meeting challenges head on. 

Look at making changes and internal updates with compassion and curiosity, creatively exploring what new habits can supplant old ones.  Which conflicts deserve your energy and serve your goals and which distract and drain you?  What assumptions about yourself can you update.  Which parts have emerged from the chrysalis and which are still transforming? 

Did you know that the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands contain minute magnetic receptors and sensors that "recognize" minute and gross changes in local magnetism? 

Here are the rudiments of dowsing, healing, and various rough forms of psychometry which means psyching-out what something is by merely holding it. 

Alas, though. If you haven't built neural pathways linking these sensors to your cognitive faculties, you probably won't be able to sense what the receptors in the soles of your feet are  picking up.

Restructuring the heart

Practice self compassion.

With Love and Light-

Nika Annon

june 2021

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3/4  🌖 June 2 

New Moon  🌑  June 9 

I/4  🌔 June 17 

Full Moon 🌕  June 24

Mercury in Gemini stations direct June 23 

Saturn retrograde in Aquarius 

Juno retrograde in Sagittarius

Chariklo retrograde in Aquarius

Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

Jupiter stations retrograde June 21 until October 18. 

Ongoing Saturn Uranus Square 13-12 Aquarius 

Haumea and Pluto continue square 

Venus ingress Cancer June 3

Mars ingress Leo June 12th 

Sun ingress Cancer and Summer solstice June 21 

Venus ingress Leo June 28

Eclipse June 10 follows the lunar eclipse of May 26.

So here we are with a chance to take a breath and review what has happened in our charge into 2021.  Take a breath, release all that no longer serves, step into the new paradigm with Pallas, Athena, Saturn, Pluto, Chariklo, Neptune, and Uranus as allies in creating a more viable future. Honor daily rhythms and the joy of being alive. Be grateful for the gift life.  Grieve what you have lost or suffered.  Venus trines Neptune, desire deeply that your dreams may come to be. 

A Saturn retrograde in Aquarius calls for reassessing the new structures and patterns we have created and implemented on our transition out of the lockdown.  What do we intend to manifest?  Our patterns continue to be challenged by Uranus in Taurus.  How does the ground  of your being need to upgrade and transform habituated response?  You must get outside of your problem to resolve it differently.  Saturn is sextile Chiron, asking into how you mentor and manifest the new.  Ceres is conjunct Uranus shaping the changes and upheaval.  Have space for grieving and creating a the fertile future. Imagine a tree’s roots cracking the sidewalk.  Juno retrograde in Sagittarius investigates the underlying philosophy and beliefs of your contracts and relationships, exploring what is fair and just, inviting you to look at what needs to be updated.

Chariklo retrograde in Aquarius integrates compassion and well being into the changes we long or fear to make.  Pluto retrograde in Capricorn increases the compression to create gems of our waste.  On the Solstice, Jupiter floats back through Pisces into Aquarius including visionary qualities in our idealism. 

On June 3 Venus moves into Cancer, opening our hearts, inviting you to be in your sense of home.   Become aware of the protective nest you have created. 

When Mars charges into Leo on June 12th, you will want to shine and act.

On June 21 the Sun and Earth reach a point of change and the days here in the northern hemisphere begin to shorten.  A trine with Jupiter brings warmth and expansion to your heart and enhances the flow of energy. 

Venus moves into Leo June 28th, bringing warmth and passion and delight to your days. 

Pallas Athena conjuncts Neptune all month, shaping a strategy for your visions and dreams, your connection to source.  Early in the month Mars trines them, bringing loving action into the mix.  Then Mercury in Gemini squares them inviting an exchange of communication and vision moving to community sportive action.  The Sun trines Saturn, bringing contemplative authoritative, competent, action while utilizing the Uranus-Saturn Square energy. 

The Sun squares Vesta and opposes Juno, shining light on equality, justice and clear-sighted, wise political action.  Ceres conjuncts Uranus in Taurus, helping make what is created flourish.

Take a deep breath and allow space for new and transformative ideas and break through old thoughts and patterns.  Time to dream big and find innovative, inclusive and interesting ways to bring your dreams forth.  Use these days when the light lasts the longest to your upmost advantage and satisfaction.

With Love and Light-

Nika Annon

Links of interest


Managing chronic pain:

may 2021

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3/4  🌖  May 3 1:51 

New Moon 🌑  May 11 

I/4  🌔 May 19

Full Moon🌕  May 26

Total Lunar eclipse May 26

On May 26, 2021, the full moon sweeps through the Earth’s dark umbral shadow to stage a short-lived total eclipse of the moon. Although totality lasts for less than 15 minutes, a partial umbral eclipse precedes and then follows totality by nearly 1 1/2 hours each time. So, from start to finish, the moon takes a little over three hours to cross the Earth’s dark shadow.

Mercury ingress Gemini May 5

Ceres ingress Taurus May 8

Venus ingress Gemini May 10

Jupiter ingress pisces May 14 

Sun ingress Gemini May 21 

Chariklo Stations retrograde May 12

Saturn stations retrograde May 23 

Mercury stations retrograde May 30

Pluto continues retrograde all month, as does Juno 

Ceres Square Chariklo stimulating 

On May 29 we have the closest Mercury Venus Conjunct until 2033

Moon sweeps by Saturn and Jupiter May 2

This month is a time of reflection.  Spring has brought a flurry of energy and change, and now it is time to evaluate and strategize on how to proceed.  Look deep and listen through your heart.

Chariklo stations retrograde giving a chance to reassess all the recent changes, to regather yourself and gently integrate and absorb.  She will station direct in Oct after touching back into Capricorn for 6 weeks. 

Juno is retrograde all month.  Reconsider your sense of fairness, equality, justice and contract agreements.  Juno gives us opportunity to look into our philosophies and spiritual practices for directives. 

Pluto is retrograde.  What have you missed in your deep cleansing through Capricorn, what still needs to clear and regenerate, what wealth is yet to be unearthed? 

Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius.  Refine your vision.  Does it benefit the whole?  Are you creating what you meant to create?  Is it doable?  Do you have the tools you need?   

Mercury retrogrades in gemini on the 29th.  Have you communicated clearly?  Have you thought through the processes?  Are the T’s crossed and i’s dotted?  Is the contract complete and clear? 

Vesta is on the bending of nodes of the moon (squaring them) all month generating a creative energy.  The container is a sacred a place, the great of community incorporating the wisdom from the past.  Flow into the necessities of the now shaping the future in alignment with your true values. 

The Sun experiences it annual conjunction with the North Node.  How are you manifesting yourself in this time of great change.

Uranus trine Vesta all month, holding her energy of change for the good of the polis. 

Saturn sextile Chiron.  How do you use your suffering?  Are you able to learn from it, and to build the structures of your future? 

Lilith sextile Neptune, dreaming of the feminine roles anew. 

Venus Square Jupiter and moves you away from fixed to mutable, creative challenges.  Energy is moving from material and manifest energy towards flowing, transitional, mutating energy.

Find joy when attempting to settle into a new normal.  Nurture sprouting energies, visions, seeds etc. 

With love and light -

Nika Annon 

Views of Venus

April 2021

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3/4  🌖  April 4 

New Moon 🌑 April 11 

 I/4  🌔 April 20

Full Moon🌕 April 26

Venus ingress Taurus April 14

Mercury ingress Taurus April 19 

Sun ingress Taurus April 20 

Mars ingress Cancer April 24 

Pluto stations retrograde 

Big questions about society and humanity are being brought to the surface.  Think deeply. Remember you answer these questions with your actions and thoughts.  Makamake and Haumea are inconjunct for an extended time stimulating our creative conceptualization of the post anthropocene era.  What will we manifest?  Humanity’s evolutionary advantages were our kindness, generosity, and co-regulation.  Are we willing to reengage these skills to survive the results of our own success?  Are kindness, generosity and co-regulation part of your daily practice?

Jupiter and Pluto touch 30 degrees apart on April 23.  How is the change you wrestled into being manifesting in your life?  What is the new structure of your life? 

Uranus and Chiron are close all month.  How can change inform your actions and teaching? 

Ceres conjunct Eris on April 25.  What is your new paradigm for nurturing and sustainability? What are you grieving?  What will you no longer put up with?   On the same day there is a Sun Vesta trine.  How do you participate in the world? 

Venus is square with Chariklo, bringing awareness of the value we give to the ground of being.  Venus trines Vesta asking: how do we create deep value in our social structures and government.  All branches- executive, judicial and legislative- in this government are by, for, and of the people. 

Chariklo is moving toward a stimulating inconjunct with Vesta in May.  What does humanity mean to you?  What part of being human matters to you?  Also, as Chariklo moves slowly through Aquarius we have many of the swifter planets aspecting her.  Imbuing our thoughts, actions, feelings, and values with her calmness and her groundedness of being.

Do you want your data dignity?

The Emotion Recognition Task measures how well the participant recognizes emotions from facial expressions. The study participants would look at photographs of professional actors portraying a variety of emotions on their faces. The participants then labeled the expressions as happy, sad, angry, fearful or neutral. An in-depth analysis showed that the participants were significantly less likely to rate faces as happy or neutral and more likely to rate them as angry with increasing time spent in the antigravity simulation.  See link below.

With Love and Light-

Nika Annon

march 2021

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3/4  🌖   March 5 

New Moon  🌑  March 13

I/4  🌔  March 21

Full Moon🌕  March 28 

Mars ingress gemini  March 4

Pallas ingress pisces March 8 

Mercury ingress pisces March 15

Sun ingress Aires March 21

Venus ingress Aires March 22

Vesta is retrograde in Virgo all month 

March is a visionary, compassionate, and challenging month.  March is a time of action.  We are moving through Pisces to Aires, from the Dreamtime to a place of action.  Notice how beautifully action flows from source to manifestation.  We start this month balancing clear sighted, evidence based, Be aware of how profoundly tuned into daily life you are.  You will have a larger capacity to dream new worlds into being, to change ingrained habits and to release old self images and roles.  Creativity is strong this month, and the desire to cooperate is strong.   Spend the first three weeks figuring out what matters and what you want to bring into being.  Commit your focus and energy as energy levels should increase.  Then be ready.  Around the 20th of March the Sun moves into Aires, and the energy shifts toward MAKING THINGS HAPPEN. 

We are still affected by the Saturn-Uranus square, with Chiron as a close mentor.  What can you change in your structure to frame your understanding of the qualities of stability and durability.  What exciting and grounded structures are you using to build your future?  For both the collective and specific.  Sit in compassionate witnessing to then move forward into supported adult behavior and choices. 

Mars starts his quick, light-footed journey through Gemini, curious, he contacts the north Node engaging the mystery of gemini and mastery of space / time.

The Sun in Pisces brings connection to the mystical, collective conscious (unconscious, supra-conscious, meta-conscious) deepening our visionary capability.  Then the Sun moves into Aires  paving the way for clear and committed action. 

Venus is on contact with the Goddesses this month deepening our connection to the feminine, to community.  Venus represents the nurturing and revisioning of the world where we structure our lives and politics around caring for each other and the planet.  Be inspired, championing what deeply matters.    

We live through the Vernal Equinox each year.  We are the new beginning and again this year, who of your self will you bring into the turning of the wonderful year.  Embrace the point where in the dance of Earth and Sun the whole is balanced in equality between sunlight and shadow. 

If you were to express your gratitude each day for 105 different elements, events, experiences, connections, how would you life change in 45 days?

Try it ! 

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

February 2021

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3/4  🌖   Feb 4th   16 Sag 

New Moon  🌑  Feb 11   23 Aquarius 

I/4  🌔 Feb 19    1 Gemini

Full Moon🌕 Feb 27     8 Virgo 

Venus ingress Aquarius Feb 1

Sun ingress Pisces Feb 18 

Ceres ingress Aires Feb 20

Venus Ingress Pisces Feb 24

Mercury is retrograde through February 21

Vesta and Haumea are retrograde all month 

The energy has shifted, this month we have ample creative conversations between planets. 

The square between Uranus and Saturn is fascinating.  Uranus in Taurus, tends to the earth and Saturn ignites our imaginative, inventive process of how to build.  There is a flood of potential to design sustainable practices that take care of the communities of all beings so that we all may flourish here yet again.  Technology has a role here but it is not self sustaining like the planet is.  This month 8 astrological entities are in the 31 degrees between Pluto at 25 Capricorn and Mercury at 26 Aquarius.  There is an intense focus and capacity to make change at this time.   

Ceres and Neptune move closely, to ground and bring a vision of fertility to our Piscean dreams, as Vesta holds the Virgo precision of a fertile harvest. They are at the bending of the nodes, meaning they square both our inherited wisdom and our new horizons, encompassing where we have come from and where we are headed in a fertile potential for new trajectories.  This involves work, structure, discipline, vision, compassion, wisdom, courage, creativity, caution and risk taking.  

Pallas and the Sun are conjunct, inviting our personal light to be a part of the collective strategy to create wellbeing for all of us.  Chariklo in Aquarius brings connection to our visions of the future.  In Aquarius she asks: what new communal visions do you have, what worlds can you spin into being, how do you hold the space for the new to come into being?   This month, Chariklo’s long collaboration with Saturn and Jupiter ends as they move deeper into Aquarius, empowering you to envision and create your future.  We are supported in making tremendous, far-reaching changes, and we are held compassionately as we flourish and err while experimenting.

“Chariklo would seem to support our recognition of this precious and fundamental quality, which both permeates and underpins the four more familiar elements. We cannot 'get' or 'figure out' SPACE, but we can quietly attune to its omnipresence. As do many millions of others, all over the world, at any given time …."
 -Melanie Reinhardt

Psychology is initiating conceptual reframing of human regulation from self regulation to co-regulation. Mammals that live in collective groups evolved thru refining co-regulation. Our future lies in disempowering fear and bullying as the predominant social structuring tools and working instead to be more in alignment with our true collectivistic natures.  

Mars is now in Taurus. Here is a bit of an Orphic Hymn to Aris ( Aires/Mars ) 

65. Áris (Ἄρης) Incense: frankincense.

Indestructible, doughty, mighty, valiant divinity,   

Delighting in arms, indestructible, man-killing, stormer of cities:

Lord Áris, rattling in armor, always defiled with the slaughter of war,

Rejoicing in man-slaying blood and raising the clamor of combat, horrifying one,

You who lust for the obscene carnage of swords and spears:   

Halt the raging strife! Cease the travail grieving our hearts!

Rather, yield to the peaceful yearnings of Aphrodíti and the revels of Diónysos. 

Exchange your fury and weapons for the gentle works of Dimítir.

Conceive a desire for peacefulness which will cultivate the young and grant them blessedness.

( thank you, Gray Crawford )

Laniakea, immeasurable heaven, our home supercluster, is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way and approximately 100,000 other nearby galaxies.  Studies suggest that the Local Supercluster is not gravitationally bound; it will disperse rather than continue to maintain itself as an over-density relative to surrounding areas.

Here is a little perspective on the depth of understanding and change possible in our universe:

A translation by the last Hawaiian Queen in 1897 says, “Curious students will notice in this chant, analogies between its accounts of the creation and that given by modern science or sacred scripture.”[14] She also made the point that “The ancient Hawaiians were astronomers, and the terms used appertained to the heavens, the stars, terrestrial science, and the gods.”

The chant is very long but basically says that the primordial soup was readied and then came `Time` which supported the Earth and held the Heavens. Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) energies produced all manner of living things which then have a Yin or Yang gender, including the god/goddess or spirit which pre-exist mankind and are brought into being in earthly guises. So everything, including such things as surf, octopuses, strife, boils and deep holes is living, for the Hawaiians believe that a sacred spirit or deity exists in all things.

Earth Has Lost 28 Trillion Tons of Ice since the Mid-1990s 

-Scientific American 

Hopis imprisoned in Alcatraz

Pollution laws support bird life

Simple gardening

We in our culture are quite attached to intellectual abstract knowledge but consider this: 

“One of the main functions of ritual dance in folklore culture is to convey knowledge: knowledge about the structure of the world, about how to live in community, self-knowledge, knowledge about the order, laws and government of society, and knowledge of a mythological worldview.” May we incorporate and validate such knowns in our daily lives. 

During a time when race-based science and the eugenics movement message were becoming mainstream, anthropologist Franz Boas actively sought to prove that race was a social construct, not a biological fact.

 “We are all human. Every person on this planet could do more to understand other humans”

—Paul Ryer 

What magnificence will you create?

With love and light -

Nika Annon

january 2021

Welcome January 2021

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3/4 Moon Jan 6 2:38 AM

Dark Moon Jan 12 10:02 PM

I/4 Moon Jan 20 2:03 PM

Full Moon Jan 28 12:18 PM


Mars Taurus January 7

Mercury Aquarius January 9

Venus Capricorn January 9

Sun Aquarius January 20

Chariklo Aquarius January 28

Uranus stations direct January 14 at 7 degrees of Taurus, moving deeper into honoring earth and revisioning our relationship with it.  Mercury retrograde Jan 30.  Vesta stations retrograde January 19 at 21 Virgo.  We enter into our second year of this initiation of humanity. Are we paying attention?  Do we understand what freedoms we have? Can we differentiate between freedoms and habituated distractions?  Do we practice reciprocity, compassion for our community?  Do we remember that our evolutionary edge is our kindness, our generosity and capacity for co-regulation?

January and 2021 bring new energy.  Pallas Athena, Saturn and Jupiter have moved most beautifully into Aquarius.  Jupiter is the expression of all we wish to be and Saturn the capacity to choose what we can fully manifest.  They square of Uranus in Taurus is engaging our innovative determination to make meaningful change that aligns with our capacity to manifest our visionary future.  Chariklo moves into Aquarius while still in aspect to Pluto and Saturn, creating a bridge between Pluto in Capricorn still churning though cardinals, bringing capacity for change and revitalization at the most profound levels and the visionary, collective, expansive creation of the future. Chariklo, the graceful Spinner, holds the threads of which we will weave the future. We have the choice to include her in our actions and beliefs.

Pluto and Eris continue in square, reminding us we need to create new paradigms and discard what no longer serves, be curious about how you can encompass both the undoing and redoing as a fascinating, engaging exploration of life.  Saturn and Jupiter move apart.  This is great month to heed your heart’s true desire, debug the loops that pull you back into reiterations of anger, self recrimination, self justification, fear, resistance, self doubt, lack of self love and move forward into a revitalized life.  As we look to clean up the outer world, the political and media chaos, we can also clean up, refine and clarify our thoughts, our desires, our relationships, our goals. Mars moving through Taurus gives us the determination and gusto to do this.

The 10 engraved guidelines for the Age of Reason: 

                 Georgia Guidestones in Elberton County, Georgia, USA

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

With Love and Light-

Nika Annon

An offering: Nurturing Resiliency

A gentle and powerful energetic healing to reawaken the intelligence of the pelvic brain within your multidimensional being, nurturing your innate resiliency. 


In a session, I create a sacred, safe container enveloping our fields and holding you in sacred space inviting you to relax into an altered state of consciousness. I invite in healing energies, the ancestors, entities of sky and earth, micro and macro, to be guardians for your experience.  This is a foray into a supported altered state of consciousness, allowing your field to absorb life force energy, which I calibrate to resonate with your frequency making it available for absorption.

Through acknowledging and engaging the brain(s) with sensation, intention, voice, and thought, relaxing into the complex, multidimensionality of memory, experience, and understanding, we invite the pelvic brain to replenish and nourish itself by absorbing the radiance of the sun, the pull of the earth, and the scope of the cosmos to reorient and reclaim any parts, or any energy that needs completion. 

Returning energy to the whole self resources you in gentle integrative ways. Clearing all that no longer serves, returning energy to your present time, reorienting to self and center. This builds resiliency in the pelvic brain and encourages a loving relationship with your incarnations.  Share a very deep and gentle process.

This process takes about an hour.  We can do it now over zoom or the phone. 

Join me in an energetic sacred safe space to nurture resiliency and support the return of any parts of yourself that are caught in a dimension.  Restore the flow of life.


december 2020

3/4 Moon December 7

New Moon December 14 Solar Eclipse

I/4 Moon December 21

Full Moon December 29


We live in a loving universe and it is time for us to mature into a loving species. The Cosmos is alive and all the bodies in it love us. The stars and empty space love us. We are not alone.

 Chariklo moves with Pallas, Jupiter and Saturn. Hold them in a deep, healthy, generative, creative space. This constellation as it is known is in a creative relation to Haumea, the goddess who created lands from the oceans, covered them with living beings including the volcanos, and gave birth to Pele, Hilaka and Namaka.

Neptune squares the moon’s nodes (where the moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic).  Vesta is in opposition to Neptune all month and also squaring the nodes, creating a sacred vessel of penetrating and intense evaluation of the character and qualities to which we grant power. We are being challenged to see clearly and set a sacred space for our schools, as well as our political and business gatherings.  May they have a moral compass.  At this time of creating and envisioning the future, there is a need to be clear regarding giving one’s power to a spiritual teacher and tuning into other realms. Venus conjuncts this at the end of the month inviting us to desire passionately the well being of our beloved mother Earth.

Mars, Chiron and Eris continue though Aires, daring us to act from the initiated divine masculine. They are demanding that we evolve beyond the greedy, grasping, destructive, narcissistic, fear-driven species we have chosen to become.  Direct action, movement, fatherhood, generosity, encouragement, intellect, transformation, and growth are all unique expressions of the divine masculine.  The divine masculine is a level of conscious evolution within us, where we feel confident to lead a life from our heart. There is no desire for control or influence on others and no need to express any subconscious power play actions. The divine masculine gives rise to creating a balance with the awakened feminine. Humans evolved and thrived due to our capacity for kindness and generosity and our ability to co-regulate.  Now, when these values appear so distant from our corporate, political, academic, judicial ,medical and military structures, our challenge as a species is to step up in our power, to set clear boundaries in order to experience a deeper inner and/or collective healing.  We can blame it on the stars or ask for their benevolent guidance and transform our world. 

Saturn, Jupiter and Pallas all move from generative earth Capricorn into the concentrative air of  Aquarius this month, changing the tenure of the energy.  Think practical self discipline, wisdom of the future, creation of forms to benefit those who come after us. Search for truth and wisdom, have awareness of large social issues, social responsibility and responsible, just laws and judiciary. Saturn and Jupiter invite us to reconsider allocation of resources. Not all generations of humanity have dedicated their resources, their genius and ingenuity to finding more elaborate ways of killing each other. These are the choices we can bear in mind as we create the future each day.

The Solar Eclipse Dec 14 will last 3.5 hours, and occurs between the Galactic center and the current South node, between the old and new.  What do you believe in enough to do daily?  We are a crux and what we decide and choose matters to every being on earth. Our emotions and frequency will be magnified. Take this time to sett your frequency where you want it to be. Choose a coherent life, enhancing vital frequency, or a deeply loving and transformative one. Be the change you plan to see, starting now, today.


With Love and Light-

Nika Annon


Pallas Ingress Aquarius Dec 7

Venus ingress Sag Dec 15

Saturn ingress Aquarius Dec 17

Jupiter ingress Aquarius Dec 19

Juno Ingress Sag Dec 20

Mercury ingress Cap Dec 21

Sun Ingress Cap Dec 21

november 2020


¼ Moon November 8 

Full Moon November 1 and 30

¾ Moon November 23

New Moon November 15


Nov 3 Mercury stations Direct

Nov 9 Ceres ingress Pisces

Nov 10 Mercury ingress Scorpio  

Nov 13 Mars station Direct

Nov 21 Venus ingress Scorpio

Nov 21 Sun ingress Sagittarius

Nov 28 Neptune Stations Direct

What if the goddess of fertility is interpreted as creativity?  What if crisis is toned down to necessity?  What if identity is collective and what if revolution is set to music as an expression that has nowhere else to go?  Haumea is at 27-28 degrees of Libra, squaring Saturn and Pallas as they head towards Aquarius. One other planet that Haumea has a relationship with is Neptune. It is a relation of orbital resonance with a ration of seven to twelve. This implies a musical fifth, which in turn brings to mind a daring cycle of chords that characterize something that really happened. This is something just as improbable as the concurrence of Haumea, Saturn, Eris and the cardinal signs. In fact, this is something that is very evocative of our sky now.  

Chariklo remains in Capricorn, affecting the conjuncts, squares, trines etc. with her wisdom, compassion, connection to the Great Mother.

I had an interesting reframe of this time I want to share.  While looking for the mystical aspects of Saturn, I found he was a god of agriculture. Saturn is also the Roman god of sowing and of seeds, and Pluto the giver of wealth, the god of earth’s fertility.  And Jupiter the Sun god.  Saturn’s transit this month could be seen as the joining of the Sun, the fertile earth, and the sower of seeds, with the Goddess of the olive tree and justice, Pallas Athena.  The graceful spinner, Chariklo, and the Hawaiian Goddess of fertility and creativity, are all together in the skies now creating our future.  Discard what you do not want to take with you into the new beginning and gather up what is precious to you.

Do not let the doom and gloom bring you down.  Continue to envision and create the world you want to live in.   This is the month to act from initiated parts of yourself.  We are being manipulated and deluged with misinformation, chaos and attempts to manipulate us.  Remember what we are creating.  There is new energy here on earth and a reminder of our deep wisdom!

Mars is in Aires. Act for what you believe in. Saturn and Capricorn ask what are you sowing?  Jupiter in Capricorn shows what are you shining light on to grow. What you have sown?  Pluto in Capricorn asks what underlying structures are you transforming?  Uranus in Taurus asks how do you change your relation to Earth? Haumea in Libra is recreating the world. What is your role?  Neptune in Pisces asks what are you dreaming into being?  Pallas Athena in Capricorn is envisioning new communities.  Chariklo in Capricorn is spinning a new cloth of being.  Juno in Scorpio is piercing your understanding of your commitments and relationships.  Vesta in Virgo asks how do you discern and select for what you “perfect” into giving fruit.  Mercury in Libra and Scorpio seeks justice and clear sight do not be fooled.  Venus in Libra and Scorpio asks what peaceful vision of the world do you desire and what are you willing to reach to make it happen?  Look deep and answer these questions with your whole self, trusting that the time is right to act on your answers.

November ends with a lunar penumbral eclipse in Gemini, conjunct with the North Node.  The eclipse marks a time to release thoughts, ideas, and images of self that no longer serve your soul.  A time to renew, update, and transform your inner programs, your crystalized or erratic thought forms, and adapt to the new world you have been envisioning.  Now is your opportunity to live the life you have been envisioning.

Feature film about the fight for Public Lands.

Vote, Make Good Trouble, and keep you heart on the prize.

With Love and Light-

Nika Annon


october 2020


Full Moon October 1

3/4 October 9

New Moon October 16

I/4 October 23

Full Moon October 31

Venus ingress Virgo Oct 3

Pluto stations direct Oct 5

Chariklo stations Direct Oct 7

Mercury retrograde Oct 14

Ceres stations direct October 19

Sun ingress Scorpio Oct 23

Vesta ingress Virgo Oct 23

Mercury ingress libra Oct 29

Venus ingress libra Oct 29

Mars is retrograde all month

Chiron is retrograde all month

Neptune is retrograde all month

Uranus is retrograde all month

Time for a little reframing on masks and physical distancing---not social distancing but physical distancing.  We can still be deeply, socially present to each other and develop our capacities to express care and concern.  We connect with our energy, our eyes, our tone of voice. Take care to be kind, be generous.  Be Brave.  With Mars in Aires, try to be brave enough to choose compassion and generosity over fear, anger, revenge, envy, shame.

Haumea is in Libra at 26-27 degrees all month, squaring Capricorn.  Stellium Chariklo is at 24 Capricorn all month.  We have two full moons this month.  The first in Aires conjunct Chiron and the second in Taurus conjunct Uranus.  We end the month with a Sun-Uranus Opposition, a Venus-Chiron opposition and a Full Moon.  Cortical centric knowing is a useful knowing but not the sum total of all we know and how we interact.  Haumea squaring Pallas, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Chariklo is a creative challenge to create a viable future for the precious planet on which we live and all of the multiples of beings that we co-inhabit with here.  What is the most compassionate, wise, initiated vision of the future you can envision and allow?

By initiated, I mean having survived trails and obtained deep wisdom, compassion and orientation to the wellbeing of the whole.  These monthly astrological suggestions are an invitation to engage the initiated aspects of any aspect.

Links of interest

An animistic microbiologist discusses the virus.

This is a cyber-intelligence report on the threats to our election. Highlighting disinformation, and how you are targeted by disinformation be specialized companies.

PolyVagal Theory: Humans become vulnerable under chronic stress. True evolutionary history of primitive mammals shows survival through communicating.  They come close enough to be safe, to reproduce, create families.

• Understanding feelings in the body that occur in relation to events

• Being a super co-regulator to diffuse hostility, aggression and anger

• How transforming trauma shifts neuro-cepetion and politics

Reciprocity and coregulation function to create a sense of safety for each other. Trauma is a functional violation of trust.  Trauma is single trial learning.  We evolve via coregulation with a loving person.  What does our physiological state tell about us?  How do we keep ourselves from being re-tuned to chronic defense? Life is not about being right, it is about being a good coregulator.  Trauma is a part of the history of humanity.  How do we live with it, what do we create after it?  The biological imperative is to coregulate and cooperate.  Primary metric, i.e. the Fittest, are those who can cooperate and the least fit are aggressive and selfish.  What our bodies need to feel successful is not what we consider success in this culture.  Evolutionary success is feeling connected with others, being welcomed into other people’s worlds and having bidirectional coregulation, living, engaged and connected.  This is an invitation to create an operational definition of love and trust, of vulnerability and accessibility.

Steven Porges Polyvagal theory

“Hello Anger my friend come sit here beside me and tell what you have come to tell me.”

-Thich naht Hahn

This Robert Redford film, Public Trust, discusses the big corporate grab for public Lands!

Neuro Arts

This a podcast by Renee Fleming on Arts and music and wellbeing, I found it very exciting.

Podcast 14 talks about a NHI initiative to include creative expression in prescriptions to foster wellbeing. Mind-Body medicine requires a re-education of how we do medicine which includes sharing and generosity. A paraphrase from one of the series:

Vivek Murthy (was the 19th Surgeon General of the US) believes:

What we need for our children is a world that is compassionate. Where when they make a mistake, they will be met with kindness, that others are willing to help them up when they stumble.

This can happen if we live in a world where compassion and kindness are seen as sources of power and strength for building a connected life.  By giving each other self-worth we can teach ourselves the crucial ability to be compassionate and kind, and find the value of giving and receiving love.

The internal Family System invites us to be fully present to the parts of us that are stuck in trauma and past events and are still protecting us. We can be fully present for those parts, love them, be present and the core Self re-emerges.  The traumatized part then dissolves back into the whole.

With Love and Light –

Nika Annon

September 2020


Full Moon Sept 1 in Pisces

¾ Moon Sept 10 in Gemini 

New Moon Sept 23 in Virgo

¼ Moon Sept 23 in Sagittarius

Fall Equinox on Sept 23

Mercury ingress Libra Sept 5

Venus ingress Leo Sept 6

Pallas stations direct Sept 6

Mars retrograde Sept 9

Jupiter stations direct Sept 13

Juno ingress Scorpio Sept 21

Sun Ingress Libra Sept 23

Saturn stations direct Sept 28

Ceres ingress Aquarius Sept 28

Humea and Eris are two dwarf planets I don’t mention much, however, they are in opposition now and were last month. Ceres, Pluto, and Makemake are the other three currently known dwarf planets.  This opposition is a goddess of paradigm shift (disruption) and the great source of life, who brings life from nothingness and turns wasteland into cornucopias.  Eris is in Aires and Humea is in Libra.

Can we change the current paradigm of making paradise a wasteland in an attempt to fill our inner emptiness, our greed and fear of not being loved, not being enough, into a paradigm of joyous participation as cherished and active members of a self-sustaining, transforming, evolving whole?  Seems like it would be worth trying.   Can we step up to another level of consciousness and acknowledge that Unity and light includes all of us, and includes
our shadows?  Can we as humanity choose to evolve?

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, and Chariklo are all retrograde all month.

Mars is in Aries until January, Mars signifies action.  Let’s step up!!   Let’s make Unity and Light a daily practice and increase of the level of consciousness of humanity!

“John Lewis had a capacity for great courage.”

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.” -John Robert Lewis

John Robert Lewis --- an American whose faith was tested again and again to produce a man of pure joy and unbreakable perseverance — who said “Make good trouble.”

Think calmly, logically, strategically from a clear long-sighted, present awareness.  Create a plan and then ACT imaginatively to gain what has been lost, make good trouble, make the world better a better place.

In this time of turmoil and upheaval and change it is important to know the desperate situation that we face.  What future do you want to create? 
Align visionary, creative impulses with intuition and higher thought.  The path towards the paradise of the future starts with one step!

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

With Love and Light –

Nika Annon

August 2020

Full Moon Aug 3

¾ Moon Aug 11

New Moon August 18

I/4 Moon August 25

Mercury ingress Leo August 5

Venus ingress Cancer August 7

Vesta ingress Leo August 11

Mercury ingress Virgo August 20

Sun ingress Virgo August 23

Uranus retrograde August 16

‘’To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others” -Nelson Mandela

Ceres, Pallas, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, and Pluto all retrograde all month. You have ample time to double check everything. Verify, re-think, re-feel, re-engage, re-arrange, take a breath, and rest. New energy is flowing in, bringing with it strong support for building a new reality. What facets of reality are you focusing on? What seeds can we all sow for the future? Practice gratitude everyday.

“Determine what your response will be to external stimulus. Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” -Viktor E. Frankl

Keep Mars full of tasks! “ Find the hero within”. Access courage and reference your inner wisdom. Claim your power and use the energy from the divisiveness to create a world of health, clean water, and peace for a healthy planet. Choose the frequency you vibrate at. Keep your frequency beyond current circumstances. A Jupiter - Pluto conjunct grants you spiritual abundance. Saturn conjuncts Jupiter and Pluto strengthening the capability to manifest. Pallas is there as well asking what is the strategic vision? Which structures serve the future? And Chariklo is holding energy for the well being of the whole, flourishing health cycling around. They square Eris the paradigm shifter. What future are you loving into being? A simple technique for finding your core values is to describe a person you admire profoundly. Express your individual, unique vision. Value your being and your place in reality, in the cosmos. You are the seed of your life. Be aware of the absolute fleeting beauty of life, and burst into bloom! It is urgent and restless and deep. Nobody can do your life but you.

Manchester, England, 1862: Cotton workers support Slave work Cotton blockade at a mass meeting in Manchester’s Free Trade Hall, on New Year’s Eve 1862. It was attended by a mixture of cotton workers, and the Manchester middle class, they passed a motion urging Lincoln to prosecute the war, abolish slavery and supporting the blockade - despite the fact that it was by now causing them to starve. The meeting convened despite an editorial in the Manchester Guardian advising people not to attend.

Informative talk on emotions by Lisa Feldman Barrett

David Bohm wrote Wholeness and the Implicit Order. He was a pacifist wise man and a physicist whose student work was used by Oppenheimer for building the bomb.

Sky News

Comet Neowise apod?utm_source=EarthSky+News&utm_campaign=9294baf7c8EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_02_02_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c 643945d79-9294baf7c8-394628937

Perseid meteors August 9-13

Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower July 12 - August 23

Visions of the Cosmos to keep your perspective! mpaign=0404f3cdb9EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_02_02_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c 643945d79-0404f3cdb9-394628937#public

Lives which also matter:

Migrant workers in-the-united-states

Navajos and Covid have-built-the-perfect-human-for-it-to-invade/

Indigenous Women

Unsafe migrant children world wide

And a reminder: A huge majority of the immigrants in detention and at borders are indigenous people fleeing ethic cleansing, genocide, persecution, starvation and assimilation.

An exercise to reset vagus nerve: Lay on your back. Lace your fingers behind your head. With out moving your head, look down to your right towards your toes. You will either sigh or yawn. Release your gaze. Breathe. Turn your eyes down towards the left. You will either sigh or yawn. Release your gaze. Breathe.

Toltec Four Agreements: Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best.

With love and light –

Nika Annon

july 2020

Full Moon July 4

3/4 July 12

New Moon July 20

I/4 July 27 

We have an partial eclipse on July 5.

The big question this month: What is the world you are choosing to create? You are aware of all the built-in injustices.  How do we, as humans, step up in our humanity, our frailty, all our wounds, trauma, stories of trauma, and create the future that includes the equality of the entire web of being, the whole planet?  Our individuated being has an opportunity this month to look at its strategies.  Explore your transformation, your expansion, your structures and your deep sense of centeredness and cosmic well being. 

Ceres in Pisces trines the Sun, reminding us of the complexity of being embodied, having a deep capacity for love and abundance, also grief and letting go.

Capricorn the Goat: nibbler, intelligent, obstreperous, lusty, goatish.  Jupiter, Saturn, Pallas, Chariklo and Pluto are all in Capricorn so yes, there will be changes and yes, there will be consequences.  You are called to adult. To choose who you will have represent you.  Decide what you will tolerate and what you won’t. And if you choose not to adult then you still will get the consequences, but without fore thought, without an intention to create the future, without supportive measures and with no say in the transition.  Now is the time to step up and steer the ship.

South node transits the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius, triggering a reset, a refreshing, a reevaluation of education, religion, and philosophy.  A Juno-Chiron opposition keeps your attention on adjustments to the pain inherent in current established relationship contracts.  Find ways to relate in equality, with out hierarchy.


Sun Ingress Leo July 23

The luminaries (Sun and Moon) change signs this month.

All others stay on same sign all Month.

Mercury in Cancer - what emotional sense is communicated and needed?

Venus in Gemini - knowing about love, ease in understanding all sides of it.

Mars in Aires - action and more action, then do it!

Jupiter in Capricorn - how can the structure be enhanced and expanded more for all?

Saturn in Capricorn - how do the structures change, or if not where will they break?

Uranus in Taurus - the Bull is intent, undistractable.

Neptune in Pisces - wisdom, visions, dreams.

Pluto in Capricorn - transformation, source of wealth, where is the true wealth and how is it


Pallas in Capricorn - manifestation of strategic plans for the well being of the community, of the whole.

Ceres in pisces - the great mother that nurtures and reaps all beings with ruthless compassion.

Juno in Libra - are relationships equitable and just, what is the quid pro quo?

Juno trine Venus July 1 - 23

Sun Opposition Pallas July 13

Sun Opposition Jupiter and Pluto July 11, July 13

Sun Opposition Saturn July 19

Sun Opposition Chariklo July 20

Saturn retrogrades July 1 ingress to Capricorn

Ceres retrograde July 7

Chiron retrograde July 12

Mercury direct July 12

Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Pallas all retrograde all month.

The Environmental regulations are being stripped out of our laws, HydroflouroCarbons - remember the the hole in the ozone?  It is legal again!  Toxic chemicals in our water. Socialized clean ups: business pollutes and our taxes pay to clean it up.  Can radiation and poison be cleaned up?  How toxic are we willing to make our environment?  As toxic as we have made our interpersonal and political environments? When will we dedicate our genius to living in harmony with all other beings instead using it to make weapons?

 Juno opposes Mars on July 18th. I looked for someone with a natal Juno-Mars opposition and I found the Dali Lama. Fight for what you know is right and just and equal and fight in a way you know is right and just and equal.

With Love and Light –

Nika Annon


june 2020

Full Moon on June 5

3/4 Moon on June 13

New Moon on June 21

I/4 Moon on June 28

On June 5th is a penumbral lunar eclipse occurs, which is when the moon will move through the faint outer part of Earth’s shadow, due to relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon. This eclipse occurs during daytime in the Americans and is not visible here. It is the first of three eclipses - the next one is on the Solstice, and the third is on July’s new moon. The Solstice Eclipse is an Annular Solar Eclipse. An annular solar eclipse happens when the Moon covers the Sun's center, leaving the Sun's outer edges visible to form a “ring of fire”, or annulus around the Moon. These eclipses are mostly visible on the other side of the world.

I neglected to mention that Chariklo is retrograde as of May 6th. She stationed retrograde at 29 degrees of Capricorn so she is conjunct with Saturn and Pallas. They are all heading back towards Jupiter and Pluto. Chariklo will be retrograde until October 7, 2020. The Conjunction between Pallas and Chariklo is these aspects of the divine feminine, the creative, receptive, deep, healing and knowing energy. Structural, strategic, perceptive abilities to create for the manifest future are shaping Pluto's transformative (and purgative energy). Jupiter brings capability to enhance and expand and Saturn brings structural creation through patterns, boundaries and rules. Can we all create a viable future for all beings including our sweet sacred planet?

Retrograde Pallas backs into Capricorn June 4

Vesta ingress Cancer June 4

Mercury Retrograde June 18

Sun Ingress June 20

Neptune stations retrograde June 23

Venus stations direct June 25

Mars ingress Aires June 28, and will be in Aries until Mercury retrogrades in Cancer July 18. A time reassess all your ideas, perceptions, assumptions, decisions, adventures for the heart in home.

In her retrograde, Venus continues her dance with Vesta, engaging Ceres in a creative challenge. Juno shines in a harmonious vision of equality while brushing briefly across Pallas and Chariklo. Heed your desires, your values, your sense of beauty and loyalty and fairness. Pallas and Chariklo conjunct Saturn late Capricorn and early Aquarius. Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct all month; Juno is in opposition with Chiron all month. Saturn moves slowly back towards the last degree of Capricorn, occasioning the time and space to deeply consider what we create and still needs refining, a deeper look. Saturn facilitates the expansive transformation of Pluto, Jupiter, Pallas and Chariklo. The cosmos are generating a lot of creative power within the sign of bringing into being, Capricorn. Now is the time to manifest your vision and make dreams a reality in the material world. Which age of Aquarius will we manifest? the Federation, the Borg or something more vital and aware? Use the amazing complexity of your living, transforming, self and planets. This month Mars is in Pisces until June 28, when he turns direct. The warrior is being initiated into wisdom and compassion. He rests and rejuvenates in Neptune's depths. Claim something to fight for or live for. Allow this deep, internal time to be honored. Find the prize you will keep your eyes on. Once the warrior moves into Aries, the energy will intensify, activate, needing to be physical and alert. Have plenty of tasks to do and goals to achieve. Channel and focus this energy. Mars will be in Aires all fall. Prime this intuition, move to action-energy with a loving desire from deep within and prepare strategies to slow flash responses based in fear and anger. Mars starts its retrograde, sextiling Saturn in Aquarius. What vision are you manifesting by using the intuitive, passionate action of Mars? What matters most to you? Set a strong intention today to carry you through the year. Mars ingresses into Taurus January 6th 2021, giving you five months to create passionately. Use it passionately, bravely and be the change you want to see.

All this comes down to the need to recover and sharpen a functioning sense of justice, based on a reverent appreciation of humankind, all together and one by one. The authenticity of our understanding must be demonstrated in our attempting to act justly even at steep cost to ourselves. We can do this as individuals and as a nation. Someday we will walk out onto a crowded street and hear that joyful noise. We must hope to do nothing to darken or still that joyful noise, having learned so recently that humankind is fragile, and wonderful. fbclid=IwAR0q458Qk4-zJq-H1Jk8FzYS_eKVapb-LYn8Y3NS7R5l6ejKz1DaKGFypeU

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

may 2020

New Moon on May 22 in Taurus

Quarter Moon on May 1 in Leo

Full Moon on May 7 in Scorpio

Three-quarter Moon on May 14 in Aquarius

Mercury ingress Gemini on May 11

Saturn retrograde Aquarius on May 11

Mars ingress Pisces on May 13

Venus Retrograde on May 13

Jupiter retrograde on May 14

Pallas Athena Retrograde on May 17

Sun Ingress Gemini on May 20

Juno goes direct on May 27

Mercury ingress Cancer on May 28

Mars in Pisces is an invitation to include vision, insight, compassion, noble goals in your arsenal. Mars will soon spend six months in Aires, so this is a good time to prepare a plan of action and be daring to do it. Develop a plan that includes protecting the good of the community, the good of the whole. The conjunction with Ceres on the 26th of May presents an excellent opportunity to set your intention. Juno is in opposition to Chiron in early May. Libra, Aries and Pallas Athena in Aquarius allows for futuristic perception, moving you away from structural perception. Pallas Athena conjuncts Saturn all month, promting a shift from concrete realization, self-discipline and structure into a place of creativity, ingenuity, and future-oriented imagination. Visualize your path moving forward, without focusing on what is lost in the past. Dream big and new. Vesta and Venus dance in close conjunction for about 2/3 of May, inviting you to deepen your connection and value the sacred ground of all activities. Work towards the depolarization of political engagements. Find the sanctified realm of creative mobilization of societal ideals. Know the ancestors, know the collective, sing the wellbeing of the whole.

“A type of power generated by analytical intellectual facilities is essentially disruptive and based on the destruction of matter and invites egocentric hoarding and spoliation.”

Dane Rudhyar ( The definition of spoliation: act of ruining or destroying something)

Lovely energy coming from Mercury, Pluto, and Neptune permeates the cosmos this month. Some of the many types of love:

Eros (romantic, passionate love) The first kind of love is Eros, named after the Greek God of Fertility.

Philia (affectionate love)

Agape (selfless, universal love)

Storge (familiar love)

Mania (obsessive love)

Ludus (playful love)

Pragma (enduring love)

Philautia (self love)

Epithymia (desire)

And here are links to charts of our senses and their sub-modalities. The first link lists senses way beyond the familiar five.

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

april 2020

Quarter Moon April 1

Full Moon April 7

Three-quarter Moon April 14

New Moon April 22

Quarter Moon April 30

Welcome to the vale of soul making, as we participate in a world-wide spiritual retreat. There is much to grieve and yet, the birds sing the dolphins play in the canals of Venice.  Pollution indexes are reduced. We can choose the health of our planet. 

Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn on April 4. Venus ingress Gemini on April 4. Venus trines Saturn, Gemini, Aquarius. Venus trines Mars with 2 degrees all month facilitating connections with others, allowing ease in the social flow.  Pay attention to your connections to people and enjoy them. Feel all the ways you can connect even while practicing social distancing.

On April 11, Mercury ingress Aries.  The mind and communication are action oriented and fiery.  You will notice things moving quickly. Jupiter and Pallas Athena are conjunct in Capricorn the first two weeks with Pallas moving away later in the month. Pallas brings focus and dedication to the community, while inviting Capricorn's expansiveness to express practically what needs to be done.  Look for what works, how you can respond healthily and with appropriate boundaries to Co-vid19 restrictions.

On April 13, Mercury ingress Aires, and the Full Moon on the 18 is in Libra.  There is an inconjunct between Neptune and Libra.  Develop a recognition of inner beauty and self worth, integrating disowned or judged aspects to embrace the whole. Sun ingress Taurus on April 20 bringing a grounded presence, sprouting life and nourishing energy. Ceres ingress Pisces on April 24. On April 26, Pluto goes retrograde, and stations retrograde until October 5.  Pluto brings a deepening effect to values and choices.  What do you bring to the coming changes of the world?  What is your role?  How do you transform deeply and maintain integrity?  What un-lived dreams are surfacing now?  What ideas of wealth come up from the depths?  Denial is harder and harder to preserve. On April 29, Mercury ingress Taurus. April ends with a Chariklo and Pallas Athena conjunct. These asteroids invite a re-patterning of life from a still, deep, quiet, compassionate center.  They are brining clarity, wisdom and incorporation of impassioned feminine energy in late Capricorn. What will we choose to manifest?

Uranus and Chiron are moving close to same speed between 28-29 degrees apart all month. Hold compassion for all. Ask the questions without needing an answer.

There is a great deal of energy this month and many of us are stilled in our outer lives. How do we direct these energies to create a viable future? Experiment with creativity, with seeing well being for all inhabitants of earth. Share, Receive. Participate in online events. Align with your purpose. It is so important to honer any fear that arises and not let it take over your life. Be surpassingly practical and idealistic. Don’t believe everything you read online. Be aware of addictions to victim identity or fear. Choose to be wise.

Creativity flourishes, self care flourishes, compassion and generosity flourish. The world is changing. We are going forward.

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

Below are links to enjoy at your leisure:

On October 7, 2015, Perimeter Institute Director Neil Turok opened the 2015/16 season of the PI Public Lecture Series with a talk about the remarkable simplicity that underlies nature.  Turok discussed how this simplicity at the largest and tiniest scales of the universe is pointing toward new avenues of physics research and could lead to revolutionary advances in technology. Utterly fascinating.  This link is from Perimeter Institute for Theoretical physics:

Mother Earth Delegation of United Indigenous Nations of the North.

The Asteroid Wuhan:

Pollution map:

Here is the better corona virus map. Some maps on social media have malware in them:

For beauty:

march 2020

Quarter Moon on March 2 in Gemini

Full Moon on March 9 in Virgo

Three-Quarter Moon on March 16 in Sagittarius

New Moon on March 25 in Aries

Venus ingress Taurus March 4

Sun ingress Aires March 19

Saturn ingress Aquarius March 21

Vesta ingress Gemini March 22

Mars ingress Aquarius March 30

Juno is retrograde

Mercury goes direct March 10

Be aware of being part of the great cosmic whole and diligently aware of the specificity of living this life well. Create the path ahead.

The Sun is in Pisces which brings a visionary quality to Mars, Saturn and Jupiter.  Pluto is in Capricorn, giving information for the transformations you are building in your life.  The heavy work of dismantling all that no longer serves begins to move quickly. Saturn moves into Aquarius, inviting you to forgive differences and plan carefully. Venus races through Taurus delighting in nature and the material world, trusting things will work out.  Mars in Capricorn is denotes responsible, reliable, self-reliant and determined energy.  The time is ripe for you to be capable of achieving much.  Mars moving in Aquarius continues the conjunction with Saturn so manifestation and action are collaborating in creation, deepening the energy for manifesting your big ideas. Uranus and Neptune continue in Taurus and Pisces, respectively, gifting us with earth-based changes and visionary visualization.

You are on your way to creating the next steps.  Stay true to your values and soul’s purpose and enjoy the creation.  The effortful energy of the stellium in Capricorn opens to the unfurling of plans and honing of your focus.  It may not be clear where each step on the path will lead, but the gimbal in the gyroscope has been reset and a destination has been determined.

(A gimbal is a pivoting mount that allows an object to rotate around a single axis. For example, a compass arrow can be placed on a gimbal which allows it to rotate freely and point north but not allowing rotation in any other axis. A gyroscope is a spinning device that maintains its orientation in space)

Enjoy, be active, think, and plan.

With Love and Light -

Nika Annon

february 2020

Quarter Moon February 1

Full Moon February 9

Three Quarter Moon February 15

New Moon February 23

Mercury retrograde Feb 17

Juno retrograde February 9

Mercury Ingress Pisces Feb 3

Venus ingress Aires Feb 7

Mars ingress Capricorn Feb 16

February will be a fairly deep and quiet month.  Now is a good time to commit to and deepen daily habits that support your future.  Mercury touches Uranus early in the month and then in its retrograde.  Be open for deep, creative dreaming.  Examine what deep changes are you nourishing.

Wise, wakeful, fully present for the activation of the highest expression of Divine masculine.  Look beyond duality and punishment, beyond fear and impotence. Chariklo remains between Pluto and Saturn.  Stay intent on keeping the deep, still center of wisdom and healing.  Mentor yourself through your inner doubts and rebellions.  Eris, the paradigm shifter, moves very slowly and is  currently in Aries squared by Pluto and Saturn, presenting an invitation to make the quickest change.  Be willing for a paradigm shift, but don't fall for the easy fix option.

Eris and Chariklo together in a creative square bring a deeper feminine energy into the mix.  Balance the conscious and super conscious, fusing yourself into non duality, fan the flame of life in all its complexity.  Let a profound stillness and center to form within.  Strengthen your core.  Allow transformation and manifesting to grow out of this center.  We are collectively inspired to revamp our assumptions and realities.

With Love and LIght -

Nika Annon

January 2020

New Moon Jan 24

Quarter Mon Jan 2

Full Moon Jan 10

Three Quarter Moon Jan 17

Happy New Year.  A reminder of what Star Energy offers:

I write Star Energy by looking at the energy of an aspect each day and offering you a choice of how to utilize this energy instead of being blown about.  We as human beings can modulate and shape the energy that comes to us and through us.  With a little guidance from the multiverse regarding energetic shifts, ebbs and flows, I present thoughts on how to do your best by using the energy of the cosmos for the betterment of your life, community, and the planet.

There is a Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on January 10.  This signals a cycle of completion, conclusions, and secrets revealed.  The culmination many emotions will open up.  Where do you feel secure?  Visualize how you want to feel safe.  Let go and shed whatever you no longer need.

Mars ingress Sagittarius Jan 3

Uranus stations direct Jan 10

Eris stations direct 23 Jan 10

Venus ingress Pisces Jan 13

Mercury ingress Aquarius Jan 16

Pallas and Athena ingress Capricorn Jan 19

There is a Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn on January 10 for first time since 1517.  That year in history was when the protestant revolution started, the Hudson River was revealed to Europeans, Portuguese and Chinese sailors met at the Pearl River, Cordoba sails to Cuba and explored the Yucatan, the Ottomans took Cairo, Michelangelo and Raphael were creating.  There has not been this many planets in Capricorn since 1285, so the energy is feeling intense.  By 1285 the communities around Chaco were empty.  The Pueblo villages that grew up after 1300 reflect a much more communal type of society, in which multiple families shared kivas and residents gathered in open ceremonial spaces.  There was also a political change, says Lekson, who has studied the elite residences at Chaco Canyon and Aztec Ruins. “They shucked off all the nobles and the kings, and they never had them again. They figured out how to run villages without that apparatus.”

May we be wise and see power as the heart wood of a tree—the centralized support system responsible for the wellbeing of the tree---not an archaic, self-indulgent, fear- and greed-based sense of power.  Our society as a whole is shifting into what will be the next defining era.  The digital age and the risks of climate will both be very strong forces in shaping what society will become.  As the old order begins to shift, pay attention to what truly matters to you and live it.  Capricorn is a sea goat, swimming deeply in potential and unconscious and the material world.  Making it happen here, clarifying what is essential, and how to use things wholly.  Frugality will be a new energy; self-sufficiency.  Many astrologers discuss the goat in Capricorn but they don’t have any acquaintance with actual goats.  Goats are creative, spunky, and adventurous.  Mountain goats bounce blithely up steep rocky cliffs.  Some goats climb trees.  They nurture us and each other.  They are curious and intelligent.  Awaken and embody these characteristics in yourself.  Walk your talk, dance it, sing whatever is in your heart.

We have two lesser known asteroids in prominent positions for the big conjunction in Capricorn.  Chariklo is an asteroid of creative sacred space, bearing witness to the deep yin which births all, invoking compassion, discernment, and presence.  She is within one degree of the Pluto-Saturn conjunction on January 12 and will be in conjunction with the two planets for most of 2020, bringing her deep energy to the transformation and rebuilding, and honoring the sacred feminine.  The asteroid Eris is the paradigm shifter and dissolver of the status quo.  Eris is square to Chariklo, Saturn and Pluto.  Square aspects give the energy to create a solution.  In the middle of the Pluto-Saturn transformation of the existing structure we have Chariklo and Eris assuring the presence of the deep yin, of the sacred feminine which has been so disparaged by the patriarchy.  These are energies we can engage to form our vision of the future.  Awaken to harmonizing in timeless, effortless clarity.  Becoming anew.  Equality diffuses conflict. Remember to breathe.  Deep breaths engage the vagus nerve.

This year marks a big paradigm shift.  Having seen the exquisitely shaped stones that Sacsayhuaman was built from, I think if we did not dedicate all of our resources to wars, weapons of mass destruction, and exploitation, we could create unbelievable miracles.  But as a species we choose war and destruction instead.  Such a waste.  All that can change in an instant and it starts with you.  Use every moment to be the future you want to see.

With Love and Light,

Nika Annon