Nika Annon, Radio Host of create your bliss
Nika is the host of CREATE YOUR BLISS, a radio show on Podbean and KUPR. The show airs every Friday of the month on Podbean at 12pm/est on and at 2pm on KUPR.
I love to hear from my listeners!!!
If you have any questions or comments regarding any past shows or are interested in being a guest on the show, CLICK HERE TO CONNECT.
“I recently had the great fortune to be interviewed by Nika Annon. I say great fortune because I have done dozens and dozens of interviews and this one was more than an interview…it was a conversation. If you want to be interviewed by someone who can really engage you in a conversation then get interviewed by Nika!!! You will find it rewarding, engrossing and led in ways of expressing yourself that will benefit you and everyone who is listening!”
NIKA ANNON INTERVIEWS peter donovan, Founder of Soil Carbon Challenge
Peter Donovan has a background in livestock herding, holistic management, community development, and ecological monitoring.
He is the founder of the Soil Carbon Challenge, a project to recognize creative farmers and ranchers who can grow water-holding, fertility-enhancing soil organic matter, based on accurate and practical measurements over 3-10 years.
So far the Soil Carbon Challenge has established over 300 plots in North America with committed and innovative producers.
Walter Jehne, a soil microbiologist, has worked on various aspects of pastures and soil, very much looking at the sustainable cycling of nutrients in soil, and how we can actually maintain bio-productivities with lower inputs. As oil declines, this is going to become critically important. Walter has worked on innovation strategies and helped form Healthy Soils Australia, a not for profit organization where leading scientists and farmers are working together to try to address our imperative; to restore key natural landscape processes and through that our soil, water, food security.
nika annon interviews didi pershouse
Didi Pershouse is a cross-pollinator, helping to connect the dots between soil health and human health. She is the author of The Ecology of Care: Medicine, Agriculture, Money, and the Quiet Power of Human and Microbial Communities. As the founder of the Center for Sustainable Medicine, she developed a practice and theoretical framework for systems-based ecological medicine—restoring health to people as well as the social and ecological systems around them.
After 22 years of clinical work with patients, she is now working with the Soil Carbon Coalition on a large-scale citizen-science program that engages schools, conservation districts, farmers, and the public in understanding the intersections between soil, water, public health, and climate resiliency. She develops learning resources on whole systems landscape function—in particular how to measure, understand, and work with the carbon and water cycles that make life on this planet possible. She also teaches workshops on self-care and peer support for community leaders.
NIKA ANNON INTERVIEWS kristine maltrud
ArtSpark’s CEO/Founder, Kristine Maltrud, is a life-long dance and theater artist, director and producer with a passion for the arts and creativity. She is committed to arts support networks and mechanisms, including new business models that work for artists and creators, the intersection of art and technology, social impact investing, philanthropy, and creative entrepreneurship. Kristine has been a community facilitator for over 20 years, including leadership development, strategic planning, fundraising, curriculum development and program evaluation. The inspiration for ArtSpark came from many years of being successfully funded as an artist in NYC – which often turned out to be gigs that paid pennies per hour.
Nika Annon Interviews Barrie Grace Andrews
Barrie Grace Andrews has incorporated sound healing into her massage therapy practice since first studying Acutonics in 2005, integrating it with Shiatsu, western medical and oncology massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Usui Reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology, prenatal and sports massage. Acutonics is now the centerpiece of her eclectic and intuitive approach to healing.
Barrie has a BA from Colgate University, Magna Cum Laude with honors in Anthropology and Sociology, and studied Astroarcheology with early pioneers in the field, and with music professor Joselyn Godwin, translator of hermetic texts on music of the spheres and sacred vowels. She has a Master of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing from the University of Wisconsin and currently teaches printmaking and encaustic painting. She has over 1800 hours of massage and Acutonics certifications, including working with astrology, facial soundscapes, and training to teach.
She is pioneering “Community Acutonics”, an innovation linking multiple participants in their healing journeys with sound. She loves teaching Acutonics with an emphasis on ethical and mindful clinical applications at Sage Acutonics and Massage ( in her center, OCHO, in Questa, NM. She invites Acutonics students to come visit, participate in Community Acutonics, and to earn clinic hours.
Cynthia Lane attended college on the West Coast where she discovered many kindred souls seeking deeper meaning and expanded purpose in their lives. Some of these friends turned her attention to teachings from the East—first Zen, and then masters from India. After a focused exploration of some of the life-enhancing modalities available at the time, she learned the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique offered by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Berkeley.
In 1996, Cynthia began to discover the indigenous traditions of the West, or the Americas. She spent several challenging years working with a Ho-Chunk teacher, who helped her clear many deeply-rooted spiritual and personal belief systems. During that period, she also opened to a profound and intimate relationship with the Earth: her wondrous creative nature, her healing and nourishing gifts and her deep wisdom. Cynthia felt like every cell in her body turned around 180 degrees as she learned to embrace life on Earth with a grounded kind of joy and openness that she had never before known.
Cynthia now runs First Light Transformations to help individuals open the door to clear, profound oneness with their infinite Source, and facilitates their ability to fully embody their Light-filled expression. She offers mentoring, retreats, individual sessions, workshops and teleconferences.
To learn more about Cynthia Lane and her programs, visit
Carl Hartman was born in New Jersey in 1936, raised mostly on a small farm outside of Trenton. After 20 years as a Methodist minister, he left the ministry to begin a different, spiritually "larger" life in New Mexico. In New Mexico, Carl worked in construction and then opened his own construction company. Currently, he is not involved in any "organized" religion but continues to study Native American and Andean shamanism. Carl finds himself most in his center when working with the sacred pipe, sweat lodge and native cosmologies. He continues to grow in this ever-expanding and mysterious multiverse.
Carl has an undergraduate degree in Literature and Philosophy from Dickinson College and graduate studies from Drew University Seminary. He’s married with 3 children, 7 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.
Elsa LaFlamme is an artist, Jungian Life Coach and teacher. She taught Art and Humanities at North Florida Community College at Madison (1965-1968), Art and Art Education at the University of Texas at Austin (1968-1980.) After a move to Albuquerque, she taught Art Therapy at the University of New Mexico (1983-1998), and Counseling at Southwestern College, Santa Fe. She had a successful private practice (1981-2014). She has advanced degrees in Art, Art Education, and Art Therapy, and a PHD in Archetypal Psychology.
Nika Annon interviews Carol Parker, Ph.D., a psychotherapist in private practice with a specialty in rites-of-passage work (vision quest) and transformation journeys in the Peruvian Andes. Carol has been a student of Andean Spiritual Cosmology since 2001, trained with the School of Lost Borders and Lakota Medicine people. She has published articles and book chapters on shamanic transformation and she is currently writing a book about her experiences with mountain spirits in the Andes.
Breathing In The Sacred 7 w/Suzanne giesemann
Create Your Bliss w/Nika Annon interviews Suzanne Giesemann. Suzanne Giesemann is the author of 11 books, an inspirational speaker, metaphysical teacher, and evidence-based medium. She is a messenger of hope who captivates audiences as she brings love, healing, and comfort through her work. Suzanne’s gift of communication with those on the other side brings stunning evidence of life after death, as well as validating her teaching about the purpose of life, the nature of reality, and attuning to higher consciousness.
Her work has been recognized as highly credible by afterlife researcher Dr. Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., and best-selling author Dr. Wayne Dyer. She is a member of the Advisory Council of the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies along with such notable leaders as Raymond Moody, M.D., Jean Houston, Ph.D., and Larry Dossey, M.D.
Suzanne is a retired U.S. Navy Commander. She served as a commanding officer, as special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations, and as Aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11. Her unexpected and fascinating career transformation to her current work is the subject of the documentary, Messages of Hope, which has been featured at several film festivals.
Nika annon interviews vickie peck
Vickie grew up in remote ranch country in Arizona, riding her pony through the desert, happily immersed in wild nature. Naturally inquisitive, she chose to study biology, receiving her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Arizona. As a research professor at the University of New Mexico Biology department, she studied the molecular genetics of aging and she taught courses ranging from freshman to graduate levels. In 2000, she founded Bio-Logic LLC, a consulting company focused on building biosensors for detecting infectious diseases. After many years in a fast-paced career, she felt a need to return to wild nature and to go inward. In 2007, she took a deep dive into a remote village in the Amazon. She lived as her Indigenous hosts did. She had no electronics, no plumbing and no contact outside the village. She ate what her hosts ate. When she returned home, she felt healthier than she could remember. A truly remarkable experience!
She also began to study indigenous healing practices with a teacher from Mexico, a journey that continues today. She is co-writing a book with her teacher, suggesting that contemporary science is not the first to discover deep principles of health, medicine and the cosmos. Vickie lives in an orchard in the Village of Placitas with her husband, some chickens and many wild creatures. She is currently leading an experimental farm project to explore place-based approaches for growing food while conserving water.
NIKA ANNON INTERVIEWS author Frank Hadley Murphy
Frank Hadley Murphy was born into an old New England family in Boston, Massachusetts. A seminary drop-out, he graduated from the American Tea Masters Association's tea mastership program and is senior student of Tea Master and Taoist priest, Roy Fong. He has lectured internationally, includingfor the Santa Fe Opera in conjunction with their US premier of Tan Dun's "Tea: A Mirror of Soul", Mr. Murphy lives in Santa Fe, New MexicoMurphy is the author of The Spirit of Tea a radical departure from all other tea books, touching upon tea's transcendental nature..
He embarked upon a 2 week China Tea Intensive in the field with Tea Master Roy Fong in Zhejiang and Fujian Provinces, China. Mr. Fong is the owner of San Francisco's Imperial Tea Court. During the intensive the group attended classes at China's National Tea Research Institute; picked Dragon Well Tea on the Institute's private grounds; learned how to hand fire the leaves in woks; and then partook of the tea, brewed with Tiger Run Spring Water, while sailing across majestic West Lake---in a floating tea house.
Frank's second book "Tea Fried Brain: Notes from Saint Camellia's Church of the First Infusion" was released in April of 2014. The back cover of "Tea Fried Brain" reads as follows: "In this controversial testament gleaned from twenty years working behind the scenes of the American Tea Community, free radical, Frank Hadley Murphy, takes us on yet another transformational adventure into the heart and soul of China tea. "Filtered through veils of mysticism and humor, the teas of China's Yunnan Province flower as sentient beings, entheogens and plant spirit medicines. "The entire book takes place within the Chama River Canyon Wilderness Area of north central New Mexico, this narrative may, like some teas, push the reader beyond their own comfort levels into the vast open expanse of the human heart."
He discusses his upcoming book A Mystical Life with us.
Create Your Bliss w/Nika Annon interviews Niccole Toral. Niccole is an earth-based curandera (healer) who has combined her North and South American heritage to create an integrative approach to personal transformation.
Niccole studied and apprenticed with indigenous healers from Mexico, the highlands of the Andes, and North American First Nations. She underwent intense spiritual initiations in these traditions, which became the matrix for her approaches to healing.
Some of her Earth Based Traditions include Vision Quest, a Wilderness Rites of Passage, the Andean cosmology of the Q’eros in Peru, and the Native American ceremonies of the Lakota.
Niccole holds a master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling and Consciousness from Southwestern College in Santa Fe, New Mexico and is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor. She lives in Santa Fe, NM.
NIKA ANNON INTERVIEWS joule l'adara, sound healing bodyworker
Joule L’Adara, MFA is an experimental vocalist and a professional opera singer who has performed with the Metropolitan Opera and as a soloist in Carnegie Hall. She is also a sound healing bodyworker, a workshop facilitator, a public speaker, and a soon-to-be author. Joule joyously leads vocal empowerment play-shops through her company Sounding Circles, featuring her original 3-step facilitation method designed to unleash people’s self-expression, creativity, and personal power through their voices. She offers her unique classes through national and international workshops and retreats as well as through online coaching programs.
Based in New York City, Joule is on the distinguished teaching faculty of the New York Open Center, in addition to offering private sound healing sessions through the Open Center’s Wellness Department. She is also the premiere sound healing practitioner at Integral Yoga Institute NYC and at Brooklyn’s award-winning Green Spa. Joule works with seniors at the Dorot Institute, and teaches weekly classes at the Lower East Side’s Catherine M. Abate Health Clinic offered through the Community Healthcare Network. She is the US trainer for Feeltone Therapeutic Instruments based in Germany, an Acutonics Tuning-Fork Practitioner, she is certified in Facial Soundscapes (an anti-aging tuning fork protocol for the face), and offers trainings in Harmonic Healing featuring the Australian-based Elfen Energy Chimes. This year she is founding a new experimental opera company called the Guided Imagery Opera which will combine conscious sound, guided imagery, live music, story-telling and art.
Nika Annon interviews Lucy Gent Foma, author of Funded!: How I Leveraged My Passion to Live A Fulfilling Life and How You Can Too
Born in Santa Fe, NM, to a family of West African dance and drum artists, Lucy Gent Foma is a dancer, city planner, and writer who has lived in Senegal, Cameroon, Brazil, as well as the southwest and northeast of the United States. She has received merit-based funding to conduct research and implement projects in American and African cities alike. After graduating from Smith College, she was a Fulbright Fellow and a Rotary Scholar in Senegal before attending Cornell for her master’s degree. She currently works as a Transportation Scholar for the National Park Service and writes about parenting, planning and pursuing your passion. Her website is
Nika interviews Patrick Singleton, creator of Inner Mind Sourcing (IMS). Patrick Singleton a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Hypnotherapy Instructor with the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, one of the oldest Hypnotherapy organizations in the Unites States.
He’s presented NLP ideas and methods at their annual International Hypnotherapy Conference in Glendale California, on three separate occasions since 1998.
In 2010, he moved his office out of the Hypnotherapy school and reduced his hours in order to devote more time to focus on teaching NLP and on his private practice. Since 2005, he’s taught and certified over a hundred students as Practitioners of NLP, and since 1995, has performed over 3,000 sessions in private practice.
In 2011 he left the Hypnotherapy school entirely in order to present his training material and methods under his own name. And in 2012 he changed the name of his business to Inner Mind Sourcing™, in order to reflect the growing uniqueness of the work.
He continues to develop and present classes and workshops under the new business name, and in 2012, he joined the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau under the name Inner Mind Sourcing™
NIKA ANNON INTERVIEWS author of the romance diet, destiny allison
Create Your Bliss w/Nika Annon interviews The Romance Diet author, Destiny Allison. The Romance Diet is a story for women and the men who love them—a feminist book with a male hero, an extraordinary story because it is so very ordinary.
The Romance Diet explores the undercurrents that determine gender roles, identity issues, and women’s equality. It has a strong application for married women ages 35-55, trauma therapists, rape crisis centers, couples therapists, and readers of women’s studies and gender studies.
Destiny Allison was a professional and award winning sculptor. Her work was collected by individuals, civic entities and corporations worldwide. When an injury required her to re-envision her life, Allison did what she always does. She applied her explosive creativity and dog-with-a-bone tenacity to new endeavors such as community building efforts and developing an innovative business model that transformed a bankrupt shopping center into a thriving community and commercial center. In 2011 she was named Santa Fe Business Woman of the Year.
Allison is also the author of the non-fiction book Shaping Destiny, winner of best independent non-fiction/memoir in the 2013 Global Book Awards, and two novels, Pipe Dreams and Bitter Root. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Create Your Bliss w/Nika Annon interviews Kimerer LaMothe, PhD
Kimerer LaMothe, PhD is a dancer, choreographer, scholar of religion, and award-winning author of five books, including Why We Dance (2015) and What a Body Knows (2009). She taught religious studies at Brown and Harvard Universities, and has received fellowships for her work in religion and dance from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and the Harvard Center for the Study of World Religions. She has choreographed and performed two solo concerts, Genesis (2011, 2009) and On Fire (2004).
In 2005, LaMothe moved with her partner, pianist Geoffrey Gee, to a farm in Hebron, NY, where they created Vital Arts, a homestead dedicated to the creation of earth-friendly art and ideas. Gee and LaMothe perform regularly in local venues, offering musical shows with their five children, ages 6 to 20. On the farm, the family takes care of two horses, two oxen, three cows, four cats, ten hens, and extensive food gardens.
For more information about Geoffrey’s music, Kimerer’s books, their eldest son Jordan’s hand-forged knives, and life on the farm, please visit:
Dr Claudia Welch is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, an Ayurvedic practitioner and educator, and the author of several books including Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life: Achieving Optimal Health and Wellness Through Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Western Science and, How the Art of Medicine Makes the Science More Effective: Becoming the Medicine We Practice.
Dr. Welch lectures internationally on Oriental and Ayurvedic medicines and Women’s Health, bringing a depth of knowledge and a sense of joy to her presentations. She has served on the teaching faculty of The Ayurvedic Institute, Kripalu School of Ayurveda, Southwest Acupuncture College, and Acupractice Seminars.
CREATE YOUR BLISS W/NIKA ANNON INTERVIEWS peggy huddleston & patricia ellsberg
Create Your Bliss w/Nika Annon interviews Peggy Huddleston, a pioneer in mind-body medicine. She is the author of Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques. Her writing and clinical work focus on what people can do emotionally and spiritually to speed their physical healing. Peggy's mind-body technique helps patients reduce anxiety before surgery and use 23-60% less pain medicine while healing faster. Patients have reported peaceful feeling before a surgery as well as after a surgery. Patricia Ellsberg, a social change activist, meditation teacher, spiritual coach and public speaker, joins Peggy and Nika during this enlightening discussion.
Nika Annon interviews Shamanic Practitioner, Liv Wheeler ( She is a bridge, a conduit of wisdom and guidance from the other side. Liv helps people to connect with their loved ones, as well as spiritual guardians and allies on the other side. A realm that she's particularly connected with is the Kontomble realm, the dimension of the 'little people'. Liv is a voice for the 'little people', a Kontomble Voice Diviner. Transmitting their wisdom and guidance to people on this side. She does this through one-on-one phone sessions, as well as working with larger groups of people, who gather to hear from the 'little people'.
Ravi Das, whose publications are under Donald van Howten, is an Ayurvedic practitioner, Feldenkrais® teacher and certified massage therapist instructor specializing in various types of soft-tissue methods, such as cranial & visceral Touch Of Awakening®. Van teaches in the US, Europe, Costa Rica & New Zealand and he has a private practice in Santa Fe, NM. He has been in the field of bodywork and personal development for 44 years and is an associate instructor at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. He is the author of "Ayurveda & Life Impressions Bodywork."
Van’s most current teaching combines principles and practices from Ayurveda, Osteopathic medicine and the Feldenkrais method® among others. Ayurveda & Life Impressions Bodywork® embraces the fact that we are Spirit that has become form. Our physical, emotional, mental and energetic aspects developed from embryonic stages to this moment hold information for personal growth. By exploring our form with great care, safety and support, movement, exploration and hands on connect we tend to arrive once more at the indwelling Spirit from whence we began.
Ravi Das teaches that we all have holding patterns that are habitual so that they leave a historical imprint on the membranes of the body. These membranes store our actions, experiences, emotions, and beliefs. They in turn represent our impressions of life in a "hard copy" of flesh. His work leads us to create new patterns.
Nika Annon interviews Elysabeth Williamson, founder of Principle-Based Partner Yoga™
Elysabeth has had a lifelong connection with Yoga and experienced spontaneous, intuitive movement into yoga postures throughout her childhood. She began formal studies at the age of seventeen, including many diverse Yogic traditions such as Kripalu, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Anusara, Kundalini, Kriya, and Power Vinyasa Yoga. Certi?ed as a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist, Elysabeth incorporates a wide variety of healing modalities into her teaching including Thai Yoga massage, Cranial Sacral, Shiatsu and various meditation techniques.
Elysabeth has been teaching Yoga for over 25 years and is accredited through Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT 500, experienced, registered, Yoga teacher.
To learn more about Elysabeth Williamson, visit
Create Your Bliss w/Nika Annon Interviews Author & Shamanic Healer, Itzhak Beery
Nika Annon interviews the author of The Gift of Shamanism, Itzhak Beery ( Itzhak discusses his book and the many different forms of the “aha” moment of shamanic awakening, whether they arise from ceremony, near-death experiences, dream messages, or entheogenic substances.
Itzhak's work has been featured in a variety of worldwide publications including the NY Times, radio and video interviews and he is often invited to speak on panel discussions, press conferences and festivals and to host and participate in Shamanic Webinars.
He was featured in the feature film "The Hindenburg Omen" and Parashakti's "Dance of Liberation" documentary. He is also the featured shaman in the upcoming TV show "Soul Search."
Itzhak Beery, an internationally recognized shamanic healer and teacher, was initiated into the Circle of 24 Yachaks by his Quechua teacher in Ecuador and by Amazonian Kanamari Pagè. He has also trained intensively with other elders from South and North America. The founder of and cofounder of the New York Shamanic Circle, he is on the faculty of New York Open Center.
Nika Annon Interviews Sex Therapist & Author, Gina Ogden
This week, Nika Annon interviews Gina Ogden a master therapist, supervisor, researcher, teacher, and author with four decades of helping clients, leading workshops, training health professionals, and keynoting conferences. Her teleseminars reach a global audience and her ISIS Wheel retreats and trainings in the US and Mexico combine both nuanced thinking and relational magic. She is recipient of the 2013 AASECT award for Professional Excellence--for pioneering the multidimensional ISIS Wheel as a model through which to expand the field of human sexuality.
Gina discusses the belief in multifaceted sexuality that extends beyond the goal-oriented act of sex and into the realms of spirit, body, mind, and heart. During her sex therapy, a person has the opportunity to get up and literally step into the Wheel to experience the essence of each quadrant — physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental. Through this process, one can explore multiple facets of their story and access body intelligence that shifts their experience.
NIKA ANNON INTERVIEWS AUTHORS, Lewis Mehl-Madrona & Barbara Mainguy
Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D. and Barbara Mainguy, M.A., are the authors of Remapping Your Mind: The Neuroscience of Self-Transformation through Story.
Applying the latest neuroscience research on memory, brain mapping, and brain plasticity to the field of narrative therapy, Lewis Mehl-Madrona and Barbara Mainguy explain how the brain is specialized in the art of story-making and story-telling. They detail mind-mapping and narrative therapy techniques that use story to change behavior patterns in ourselves, our relationships, and our communities. They explore studies that reveal how memory works through story, how the brain recalls things in narrative rather than lists, and how our stories modify our physiology and facilitate health or disease. Drawing on their decades of experience in narrative therapy, the authors examine the art of helping people to change their story, providing brain-mapping practices to discover your inner storyteller and test if the stories you are living are functional or dysfunctional, healing or destructive. They explain how to create new characters and new stories, ones that excite you, help you connect with yourself, and deepen your intimate connections with others.
The authors also explore how narrative therapy can help replace dysfunctional cultural stories with those that offer templates for healthier relationships with each other and the planet.
Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D., is a physician and executive director of the Coyote Institute for Studies of Change and Transformation. The author of several books, including Narrative Medicine and Coyote Medicine, he lives in Augusta, Maine.
Barbara Mainguy, M.A., is a psychotherapist and education director for the Coyote Institute for Studies of Change and Transformation. She lives in Augusta, Maine.
Andréa Takacs-Carvalho is a Wellness and Spiritual Counselor, self-care mentor, shamanic practitioner, climate justice advocate, plant-base-diet proponent, life-long environmentalist. She is passionate about promoting the healing of people and our planet Earth. Andrea has been working on herself and her spiritual path for over two decades. Her wisdom delivers possibility for changes that are immediate, profound, and permanent. Andréa is an Earth healer who honors Mother Earth and lives in balance with her, and she believes that our relationships with Nature is the core link between our personal health and the health of our planet.
She hosts a few Woman’s circles monthly helping women to connect with the Sacred Feminine, using her training Womb Awakening Apprenticeship Program.
To learn more about Andrea, visit:
When Margaret De Wys learned she had breast cancer, the diagnosis shattered her comfortable life. Seized by fear, crushed by esistential loneliness, she couldn’t respond when her loved ones reached out to her. The illness propelled her away from her family and deep into the Amazon to work with Carlos, a charismatic Shuar master of medicina milenaria, an ancient mystical tradition with a highly sophisticated and precise technology of healing.
In this interview, Nika Annon interviews Margaret De Wys about her illness, travels abroad and work with traditional healers throughout the world. Margaret also discusses her book, Black Smoke, a woman’s journey of healing, wild love and transformation in the Amazon.
Margaret De Wys is a composer and sound installation artist whose works have been performed at venues including the Museum of Modern Art and the Whitney Museum. Currently working with John of God (Joao de Deus) in Brazil and at Omega Institute in New York, she also takes groups to the Ecuadorian Amazon to work with the shaman who healed her of breast cancer. The author of Black Smoke and Ecstatic Healing, she divides her time between Upstate New York and Southeast Nigeria.
To learn more about Margaret De Wys, visit:
Eliot Cowan is best known for making accessible two treasures: the indigenous Huichol shamanic tradition of Mexico and an approach to deep healing with the spirits of plants.
Eliot discovered the spiritual healing potential of plants in 1986, after ten years of successful practice in Classical Chinese Medicine. Shamanisitic approaches wedded with Chinese medicine to bring forth what he calls “plant spirit medicine”. Cowan’s work as a healer in that medium brings deep healing to many. He has trained hundreds in the practice. His workshops and talks, as well as his book, Plant Spirit Medicine, are open doors to the wisdom of plants and the entire natural world.
Mr. Cowan is now recognized as a tsaurirrikame, or elder Huichol shaman. He has trained and initiated over twenty-five medicine people who are helping their clients in the U.S. and other countries.
Today Eliot serves his people as healer, counselor, public speaker, guide to apprentices, ritual leader, and worker in support of the Sacred Fire Community, the Huichol Community of San Andres Cohamiata, and the Blue Deer Center.
Nika Annon interviews transmedia artist and producer, Katy Walker, of the documentary film 'Time is Art'. 'Time is Art' is a film about synchronicity and the rise of global collective consciousness. The film was inspired by acclaimed & visionary author José Argüelles’ studies in ancient indigenous wisdom. It explores the idea that modern humanity is immersed in an erroneous and artificial perception of time that deviates from the natural order of the universe. The documentary shows how society has become disconnected from the natural rhythms of the earth by focusing only on money, consumerism and exploitation while deep down inside, individuals crave the return to a foundation of culture, community, and creation.
Contribute to the documentary film campaign for 'Time is Art' by visiting
nika annon interviews patricio dominguez clan father of "One people tribal nation"
“One People Tribal Nation” is a response to what has been growing in the subconscious mind of many Americans. Members of the tribe believe the reason for extinctions and great suffering today is because people are not living in balance and harmony with nature. It believes human beings feel they are the dominants of the planet. Members understand humans live in a finite planet with finite resources. “One People Tribal Nation” brings back the order and balance of the world by awakening the ancient knowledge and wisdom. It provides a culture that gives a way of life that is not consumer oriented but rather nature oriented.
Patricio is on the board of directors of The Institute of Natural and Traditional Knowledge - an educational institution devoted to creating a new, culturally tolerant society. He’s the founder and is on the board of directors of the Church of the Spiritual Path which is dedicated to preserving spiritual values through healing ceremonies and observance of cultural and astrological events. He’s the co-owner of Traditional Peoples Medicinal Herbs, an entity organized to preserve the ancient traditional herbal knowledge of the Indigenous Peoples of the world. He is also past president of the Native Earth BioCulture Council formed to plan and hold annual symposiums on food, seed sovereignty and sustainable agriculture. Patricio has been a participant of the Elders and Youth Council of North America since the 90's
Nika Annon Interviews Bhola Nath Banstola, an indigenous Nepali shaman who was born in Bholpur, eastern Nepal in 1966. He was called by the spirits at a very young age to become a shaman and was initiated by his grandfather. His shamanic call has given him the opportunity to travel worldwide learning, sharing and teaching wisdom passed by his ancestors. Bhola awakens participants to the our ancestral history during private healing sessions and provides 5 days training courses in Nepalese Himalayan Shamanic Healing practices as well as weekend classes. In addition to training and weekend courses, he teaches at the European School of Shamanism in Paris, France. Bhola Nathan Banstola has been published numerous times in Sacred Hoop journal on shamanism and has made appearances on Italian television and interviewed on various radio programs worldwide. Currently, he is involved in rebuilding his community in Nepal that was hit hard by the earthquake.
Create Your Bliss with Nika Annon interviews Alexia Neonakis a NAMA-certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, and a certified Yoga Instructor with a special focus on Ayurvedic Yoga. She has formally studied Jyotish with Ronnie Gale Dreyer, Chandra Jade Shankar, and was a devoted student of the beloved late astrologer,Betheyla.
Alexia helps clients understand their purpose and equips them with the tools and remedies to align themselves so their energy can be used more effectively. Her participants walk away feeling empowered in their life as well as gain clarity in what actions to take to move forward with their life purpose. Alexia's heart-centered Vedic Astrology readings give clients the stability to tap into their intuition and trust it in the decision making process.
If you are interested in contacting Alexia for a reading or cleanse or would like to know more about her, visit
Nika Annon interviews Eileen McKusick. Eileen is a researcher, writer, educator and practitioner who has been studying the effects of audible sound on the human body since 1996. She is the originator of Biofield Tuning (formerly called Sound Balancing), a unique therapeutic method utilizing tuning forks, and the author of Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy (Healing Arts Press, 2014). Her extensive research into the field of therapeutic sound spans both the academic and alternative realms. She teaches Sound Healing both privately and in the Wellness and Alternative Medicine department at Johnson State College in Vermont.
She has trained and worked as a massage therapist, yoga instructor, sound healer and wellness educator, and has also had a successful parallel career in business. To learn more about Eileen McKusick, visit
Marakame healer, Jonathan Merritt, discusses how he was lead down the path of marakame. He explains the importance of community fires and how tending a fire is the energy of the heart. As a healer, Jonathan works with individual's health issues, addressing the spiritual aspects such as trauma, grief, anger, depresssion, etc. His healing helps open a person's heart and other channels of the body so one can live more freely in the world.
Jonathan Merritt is a marakame, an initiated traditional healer in the lineage of the Huichol (Wirarrika) people of Mexico's Western Sierra Madre. Initiated in 2006, he serves his community as a healer and ceremonial leader, keeping a monthly Community Sacred Fire in Portland, Oregon. A poet and writer, he was the founding editor of Sacred Fire. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Earth & Spirit Council. Jonathan is married to the naturopath and acupuncturist, Jennifer Means. He has three children.
Jonathan Merritt can be reached at
Anye Cartry is originally from France, where she studied psychology and linguistics at La Sorbonne University, Paris before moving to California in 1989. Her urge to move to California to discover alternative psychological methods to heal people in distress was in great part fueled by her witnessing of her elder brother’s psychological suffering; he eventually committed suicide in 1992. Having been too young at the time to be of significant help, she was determined to continue exploring the spirit-mind-heart-body relationship to help people find more balance, harmony, well-being, communication and purpose in their lives.
She has helped many clients come back to balance and experience a significant increase in well-being through the combined benefits of Carl Jung’s alchemical processes, and Milton Erickson and David Quigley’s hypnotherapy techniques (healing through your own subconscious mind).
Anye is presently part of the trainer's track at the Alchemical Institute of Hypnotherapy in Santa Rosa, CA where she has been assisting in the training for the last 6 years, and continues to expand her education with advanced workshops, including prenatal and perinatal trauma and NLP. Anye has a practice in Penn Valley, another one in Nevada City and is also available a few days a month - at Spa Therapy, Yuba City.
She also gives phone sessions at an international level in France, Belgium, Canada and South America.
Create your Bliss with Nika Annon interviews Ilona Palucki is a holistic shaman healer. She works with different tools in consciousness, Meta-Medicine-Health, remote and energy viewing as well as dance therapy methods. For over 25 years she has developed her specific IP-Holistic Breathing Technique, which is the main and basic condition for her work. She works internationally and within various cultural and ethnic backgrounds - and is specialised in trauma work, abuse, war-experiences, guilt, anxiety, heart-insufficiencies and psychosomatic problems. She runs a Spiritual Spa for mental Health with apartments in Provence, South of France, where she offers spiritual guidance and therapy. On demand she also travels to the client.
Visit for more information.
Create Your Bliss w/Nika Annon interviews Marakome leader, Lawrence Messerman, PhD of Sacred Fire Community. He is a healer and ritual leader in the Huichol tradition. Lawrence will talk about his followers transformation through his monthly fire gatherings by creating community space around fire and his shamanic healing sessions. Lawrence also shares his wisdom and insight from teaching fires, mediation and visioning. His work has helped groups build stronger unity and work with conflict.
To learn more about his community fires and other group work, visit and
nika annon interviews acutonics practitioner & teacher, Ellen Franklin
Nika Annon interviews Dr. Ellen Franklin, CEO of the Kairos Institute of Sound Healing and a certified practitioner and teacher of the Acutonics System of Healing and Education. Acutonics is an integrated approach to health care and education that incorporates ancient Taoist teachings of the meridians, pre-meridians, and the immortal body with sound. The harmonic and spiritually methodology blends Oriental Medicine, Cosmological Studies, Depth Psychology, Contemporary Science, and Sound Healing principals. This form of energy medicine is based on sound vibration that are brought into the therapeutic world through the use of precision calibrated planetary tuning forks and symphonic planetary gongs to help individuals achieve optimal health.
To learn more about Dr. Ellen Franklin and Acutonics, visit
NIKA ANNON INTERVIEWS judy bartkowiak, nlp kids coach & author
Nika Annon interviews NLP Kids Coach & Author, Judy Bartkowiak. Judy is the Owner of NLP Kids, a specialist coaching company that works with parents, teachers, children and teens to help them be the best they can be. Neuro Linguistic Programming has a number of quick and easy ways to help us understand how we can get a different result and achieve what we want in life. Judy has written a number of books about this subject and a series of accompanying workbooks to enable readers to experience more hands-on learning and application of the techniques. Judy also trains parents, teachers and NLP Practitioners in how to apply NLP with children and teens. This is done via Skype and from her home in Burnham, Bucks where she lives with her husband Edward.
Judy has four children herself and when they were young she ran a Montessori Nursery School from her home. She then returned to her career in Children’s Market Research before switching to NLP and writing in 2006.
You can find out more from Judy’s website and
Nika annon interviews dr. john j. pilch, social scientific interpreter of the bible
Reports of prophetic dreams, journeys into the heavens, and of other alternate states of consciousness abound in the Old and New Testaments and in extra biblical literature. And although some scholars consider such reports to be simple literary devices, Dr. John J. Pilch -- a leading expert in social scientific interpretation of the Bible -- argues that ancient accounts of alternate consciousness are both plausible and significant, constituting a very commonplace, very real, and very human experience in their cultures of origin.
Integrating biblical exegesis with insights from anthropology, cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and the social sciences, Pilch investigates and interprets such phenomena as Ezekiel's prophetic visions, Enoch's sky journeys, Jesus' transfiguration and ascension, Paul's ecstatic vision on the road to Damascus, John's heavenly journeys described in Revelation, and more. His innovative study presents a fresh and intriguing perspective on these fascinating, sometimes puzzling biblical accounts.
nika annon interviews helen attridge, founder & President of the academy of leadership coaching & nlp
Nika Annon interviews Helen Attridge, the Founder & President of the Academy of Leadership Coaching & NLP (, an International ICF Accredited NLP Coach Training and Leadership Development Company, where she trains coaches and leaders internationally. She is credentialed by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as a Master Certified Coach, a level of skill and experience shared by only 1 percent of coaches worldwide and is Master Certified NLP Practitioner. Helen has presented on NLP and Leadership at Stanford Graduate School of Business and at Peking University Platform in Beijing. She is a featured author in the book "Ready, Aim, Influence!" a #1 international bestseller and in Top 10 of Amazon's Hot Releases in the Business & Investing section.
Helen’s global vision and training expertise are a result of her many years of travel and training in different modalities of human development. Born and raised in Ireland, Helen was drawn to coaching and personal development because of her innate talent to listen empathetically. Leaving Ireland at a young age, Helen traveled extensively and worked her way through Europe, the Middle East, North America, Central America, Asia, and Australia.
In Academy of Leadership Coaching & NLP's (ALCN) Coaching & Leadership Programs, Helen is passionate about training coaches and working with leaders who want to create ripples of positive change in their organizations, communities, countries and globally.
Nika Annon interviews Dr. Claude Poncelet, author, physicist, shamanic practitioner & teacher. Dr. Poncelet is the author of the new book The Shaman Within: A Physicist’s Guide to the Deeper Dimensions of Your Life, the Universe, and Everything. He explains shamanism, the sacredness and intelligence in nature, and how it gives us the techniques allowing us to connect with the spiritual dimension in nature and other forms in our world. Humans are slowly realizing that we are destroying other species and the capacity for life, including the human species. By incorporating a shamanistic practice in our daily life, it teaches us that connecting with nature opens a completely new world. Shamanism helps maintain the harmony among this planet. Dr. Poncelet also share his life-long experiences of, and provides instructions for, adapting shamantic practice in our modern technological world.
Dr. Poncelet is a physicist and a shamanic practitioner and teacher. His professional life spans scientific research, higher education, environmental and energy policy making, and corporate management. For him there is no inconsistency between scientific and shamanic knowledge. Both have led him to evoke the shaman within him and to help evoke it within each of us in order to reconsecrate the everyday world we live in.
To learn more about Dr. Claude Poncelet, visit:
Nika Annon interviews Dr. Robinette Kennedy. A Georgia native, Dr. Kennedy maintained a private practice in Atlanta for many years. She now divides her time between homes in the Southern Appalachian mountains and Crete. When she’s not teaching, she is completing a book about how experiencing 13 shamanic poses from prehistoric Crete can help address the world’s spiritual/ecological crisis Robinette shares her journey and adventures in creating her life. After learning of Felicitas Goodman’s research, Robinette looked at the sacred artifacts in the museums of Crete through new “eyes.” She began identifying that the first Europeans had created hundreds to thousands of varied examples of figurines of humans in sacred poses that have been found in tombs and sanctuaries around the island. Images on the faces of gold rings, in frescoes, etc. reveal that the extraordinary Minoan culture routinely been nourished by practices that induce shamanic states of consciousness for thousands of years. She shares her first vision and what she did with it to integrate into the world and how it affected a significant issue in her community.
Robinette Kennedy is a clinical anthropologist and shamanistic practitioner. She holds a doctorate in humanistic psychology from Saybrook University (1981), a Master of Arts in humanistic psychology from the University of West Georgia (1973), and a B.A. (journalism) from the University of Georgia (1970). She has published academic papers; articles in popular magazines, chaired conference panels and presented original research at the proceedings of the American Anthropological Association. Her work on the shamanic poses from prehistoric Crete has been the subject of a television special in Atlanta and feature in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Nika Annon interviews Stephen Linsteadt. Stephen is the founder of Scalar Heart Connection® and the author of the book, “Scalar Heart Connection,” a process designed to help people uncover negative emotional patterns behind ill-health and other challenges with well-being. Stephen will discuss synchronicity…what is it? Is there a higher being orchestrating meaningful events and what is the purpose? Life tends to bring us challenges as way to help us grow and transform. These are opportunities for growth. If we can tap into our heart and trust our heart, we can get meaningful answers to help us move forward in life. Stephen's personal journey led him to the discovery that the heart is the key to how our emotional state affects the health of our organs. He will also share the tools and techniques to help you create a trust with your higher consciousness.
Stephen Linsteadt, NHD, CNC - has a doctoral degree in Natural Health from Trinity College of Natural Health and is a past member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association. He is a certified nutritional consultant and a member of The American Association of Nutritional Consultants. He studied energy medicine and bioresonance in Germany based on the principles of Oriental Medicine. He was the co-founder of New Hope Clinic, an integrative center specializing in chronic illness, and has shared his experience in the book he co-authored, The Heart of Health: the Principles of Physical Health and Vitality.
Nika Annon interviews Suzanne Giesemann, author of eleven books, a metaphysical teacher, & evidential medium.
When Suzanne first began researching and writing the Hay House published book, The Priest and the Medium, she never dreamed that she would one day connect with the unseen world herself. After years of meditation, however, she began to have her own intuitive experiences & now gives private readings, connecting people with their loved ones who have passed.
She captivates audiences as she brings hope, healing, and comfort through her work. Suzanne’s gift of communication with those on the other side provides stunning evidence of life after death. Touted as “a breath of fresh air” with “a quality that is so different from others that it is difficult to describe,” she brings messages of hope and love that go straight to the heart.
Suzanne is a retired U.S. Navy Commander. She served as a commanding officer, as special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations, and as Aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11. Today Suzanne addresses questions about the purpose of life, the nature of reality, and attuning to higher consciousness. Her work has been recognized as highly credible by afterlife researcher Dr. Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., and best-selling author Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Her experiences with inspirational writing & inspired poetry are published daily on her blog, For more information about Suzanne & her work, visit
Nika Annon Interviews Dr. Mauro Zappaterra On The Effects Of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Nika Annon interviews Dr. Mauro Zappaterra.
Cerebrospinal Fluid is with us our entire life, bathing our Central Nervous System. What is this fluid that touches many of the systems in our bodies and what role does it play in our being? Mauro Zappaterra explains cerebrospinal fluid, describing what we know of CSF, how it functions in our bodies and in our brains. Join us in an exploration of what we know and wonder about CSF.
Mauro Zappaterra graduated from Harvard Medical School with an MD and PhD and now specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with a particular focus on regenerative medicine, neuro-rehabilitation, neuroplasticity, musculoskeletal medicine, and pain. He completed his PhD doing work with neuronal stem cells and the effects of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in brain development and in the adult. He is published in numerous scientific articles on the CSF and his work was chosen as the cover image for the prestigious Neuron Journal. He combines his training in rehabilitation medicine, research, nutrition, and various complementary and alternative medicine modalities such as Polarity Therapy, Reiki, and Craniosacral therapy to work holistically with individuals to optimize their potential and improve their quality of life.
Nika Annon: Creativity & Collaboration With Dr. Vera John Steiner & Kathryn Miller, Ph.D., PCC
Nika Annon interviews Dr. Vera John Steiner, PhD, & Dr. Kathryn Miller, PhD, PCC on creativity and collaboration. The discussion will focus on the impact of a new idea and it’s usefulness. How creativity contributes to an ethical view of the world & how creative individuals can balance their ethical concerns with creative endeavors.
Kathryn Miller, Ph.D. PCC, is a Sr. Partner with the Design Training Collaborative, a firm that specializes in executive coaching, organization development, and leadership development. Drawing from more than twenty years of training and management experience, she is committed to the development and design of organizations where individuals and teams are encouraged and supported to reach their highest levels of competence, creativity, and quality.
Vera John-Steiner, PhD, Regents’ Professor Emerita of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies and Linguistics, has been engaged in interdisciplinary teaching and research at the University of New Mexico and as a visiting lecturer. She has published in psycholinguistics, cultural historical theory, creativity, collaboration and bilingualism. John-Steiner co-edited Vygotsky’s Mind in Society, Notebooks of the Mind, and Creative Collaboration.
Nika Annon & How To Hardwire Happines With NY Times Best-Selling Author, Rick Hanson, Ph.D.
Nika Annon ( interviews New York Times best-selling author, Rick Hanson, Ph.D. Rick discusses how to rewire your brain and transform your life with positive neuroplasticity.
Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a neuropsychologist and Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. His books include Hardwiring Happiness, Buddha’s Brain, Just One Thing, and Mother Nurture. Founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, he’s been an invited speaker at Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard, and taught in meditation centers worldwide. He has several audio programs and his free Just One Thing newsletter has over 100,000 subscribers.
Nika Annon & Energetic Healing With Dr. Michael Winer
Nika Annon interviews Dr. Michael Winer on his use of a variety of therapeutic modalities to heal individuals. In the office he often uses light and color frequencies along with meridian therapy to help access various issues. He incorporates spinal, cranial and soft tissue manipulation in conjunction with the release of energetic and emotional issues. Sometimes, harmonic, physiological and nutritional supplements, gemstones and homeopathic remedies are used in treatments. These therapies are selected and orchestrated by an individual’s energy as they move through the therapeutic process.
Benefits from a healing session include an increase sense of well-being, reduced stress, improved physical, mental and emotional relaxation, pain reduction, positive emotional, physical and social changes and energetic clarity.
To learn more about Dr. Michael Winer, visit:
Nika Annon & Human Transformation With Leon VanderPol
During this show, Leon will share with you key insights into the human transformational process, so that you can understand with clarity what you may be experiencing within or witnessing in those around you. He will show you why saying ‘yes’ to the inner call to transform into your highest vision for yourself will lead you to a life experience far beyond what you are experiencing today.
Leon VanderPol is the Founder and Director of the School of Light & Life, an online learning center dedicated to supporting spirit-based personal and planetary transformation. Leon has spent the last 15 years immersed in the dynamics of personal, inter-personal and organizational change. His work integrates powerful personal and group coaching skills, honed by years of training and facilitation experience, with a natural intuitive strength.
Nika Annon & Rituals Of Change With Dr. Aninha Livingstone
Dr. Aninha Livingstone helps women respond to the call of their soul. Over the past twenty-years she’s worked with people who long to feel a greater sense of connection with themselves, their bodies, their spiritual source, the Earth, and the small, wise voice within.
She is passionate about engaging the soul for the purpose of individual and collective transformation. As a teacher and a healer, she specializes in indigenous approaches to healing, somatic psychology, and the expressive arts. Dr. Livingstone believes that as each person turns towards, and acts upon the gifts that they were born to embody and express, the earth is healed, and the world is transformed.
Nika Annon Interviews Alan Questel
Join Nika Annon as she interviews, FELDENKRAIS Professional Trainer, Alan S. Questel.
Alan is known for his clarity, creativity and down to earth style of teaching while bringing a depth of understanding, humor and a gentle human perspective to learning the Method. Trained by Dr. Feldenkrais, he teaches in Feldenkrais Professional Training Programs in the USA, Australia, Europe, Japan and South America. He is the author of Creating Creativity and creator of Pregnant Pauses – Movement for Moms as well as numerous Feldenkrais-Awareness Through Movement CD sets for the public. His current trainings are in Malmo, Sweden; Cali, Colombia and in Santa Fe, NM. To learn more about Alan and his work, visit:
Create Your Bliss: Blue Prints For Manifesting Your Dreams
For many years I have dreamt of being a radio voice, and this my first show is that dream made manifest in a way I could never have imagined. I love being a life coach, listening to people and drawing them to hear themselves and through their attention to themselves create the life they hunger for. I have asked a number of amazing people to interview on topic ranging from learning modalities , somatic integration, nuero linguistic programming, trance work, creativity. Creating the future with a client, inviting them to befriend themselves, transforming the critical innner voice to a loving supportive voice engages my whole being. We are spirit made manifest, our greatest gift is our capacity to learn. How do we expand into the greatness of ourselves, how do we support one another in the adventure of learning who we are? Where do we hold ourselves back? What do we choose to do with our precious time here on this beautiful planet?